How, when and why I first started playing with this fictional universe.
Halflings and Peedlings
Angels, Fairies, Demons and Ogres
Humans, Elves, Orcs, Gnomes and Dwarves
Street-sweeping is the least respected position in the Gnomish homeland, and many have attempted to eradicate it entirely.
A look at the world's number two holiday destination.
Religion plays an important role in the lives of everyone in All-That-Is.
All gods claim that they are the one, true god - this group is particularly fanatical about it.
Not all gods are about flashy show and fire/brimstone combinations. Some recommend just sitting down and reading a good book.
Phanatat gives his worshippers more religious holidays per year than any other deity, making him a popular choice among the lazy.
Fantasy city by David Revoy, licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.