The story of how the renowned author of children's classics "Uncle Chum and Aunt Lovely" and "The Vizard of Az" became one of the country's most-wanted political revolutionaries.
As a child, Princess Azma loved hearing tales of mermaids, vampires, werewolves and the unliving. As an adult, she took the chance to welcome them back into Az - no matter the costs.
In the middle of Nomad's Land, there's a Gnomish caravan - a rare sight in itself. Outside the caravan sits a Dwarf, talking to his hand, a mythical creature. Inside the caravan is a self-taught wizard and a truly ridiculous number of scrolls.
The mild-mannered father of Princess Azma keeps things close to the heart.
Dwarves typically find their calling on the seas or in the mines; Borge is shocked to find that he's an exception.
Fantasy city by David Revoy, licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.