About to start the Battlestar Galactica miniseries!
I have never seen this show, but I have played the board game.
(Humans lost both times)
Gavin: The creators of the show based most of the plot twists around a playthrough of the board game.
Everything I know about the series:
-There are Cylons (evil robots)
-There are humans (presumably good?)
-It’s a big ole museum ship
-The bad guy from Dexter season 6 is in it
-There’s a recurring mystical tune that ultimately doesn’t mean anything.
-All the humans die except the ones on the Battlestar
-The Battlestar…Galactica
Let’s go!
[[Miniseries, Chunk 1]]
We’re starting wth some textual backstory
Twelve Colonies, Cylons, all that jazz.
The Cylons turned murderous.
I’ve heard such convincing arguments against AI turning against humans that I really struggle to believe it in TV series.
This is a great article on the topic by Shamus Young.
Kind of like how stupid the “you only use 10% of your brain” thing is to people who know anything about how the brain works. The only time you approach using 100% of your brain at any one time is when you are having an epileptic fit.
Epileptics are the next stage in evolution
Apparently Cylons are indistinguishable from humans.
Does that mean that they took some humans with them when they left, to model themselves on?
I think they just took some porn and just hoped it would be enough
As a result, all the male Cylons are monstrously well endowed
Hey, it’s a Base star!
I know them from the game.
Looks like the Cylons are not planning on happy-fun-peacetime.
Tour guide…what a brilliant method of delivering exposition.
Genuinely genius.
A lot of this show is apparently “Guess the Cylon” but I literally have nothing to go on so far.
So I’m going to guess…everyone is a Cylon.
Especially this cute geek girl.
Hey, this character is in the game too!
I am coming to this show from a particularly unusual position.
I’m like the entire audience of the Battleship movie.
I was so excited when “E-12” made a cameo appearance.
“Where did you get the nickname Starbuck?”
Presumably from someone who’s read Moby Dick.
So far in the game everyone has revealed themselves as a Cylon as soon as they get dealt the card.
I assume that will not happen on the show.
Angry punching!
What a…Cylonic thing to do.
(I really know very little about Cylons)
Cara (Karen? Kara?) is tough.
You can tell from the cigar.
Also I guess the “punching a superior officer” thing.
Kara Thrace
Being a great fighter pilot is nice, but yeah that’s not enough to get you out of trouble when you’re punching people in the face.
Career tip: Don’t punch people in the face.
Caprica City, on the planet of Caprica.
I know I sure love going to “Earth City” here on Earth.
Or “New York City” in New York
President lady!
I played her in the first Battlestar game.
She’s fun.
Well, she’s not President yet…
She will be, Gav.
She will be.
(unless the board game inexplicably decided to wildly deviate from the show’s canon)
There’s already been a good few deviations
The Cylons were original to the board game
Also the entire space setting
I’m going to be honest, this is one of the best ideas for a TV show I’ve heard of in a long time.
The museum battleship bit is what really sold it to me.
I hear they’re planning on sending the Smithsonian into orbit in the next couple of years.
Oh no! That Cylon lady is going to eat a baby!
Cylons eat babies, right?
Cylon-lady: “May I?”
“So fragile” is an extremely creepy thing to say about a child.
Aw man she killed the baby. 🙁
I’m so intrigued to discover how they explain the whole “Humans and Cylons are almost completely biologically identical.”
Like…can Cylons knock women up?
Can they bear human children?
If not, I feel like “fertility tests” would be a great way to differentiate the two.
If so…
Well that just leads to some incredibly, incredibly creepy plot ideas.
Just match every man with a woman, and kill anyone who doesn’t become pregnant/impregnate someone.
Yes, that plan has a lot of flaws, but it’d totally be worth it if they could wipe out the Cylons.
(As you can see, I take a pretty ruthless approach to this kind of thing.)
Hang on so the Cylon chick is dating the programming dude?
His name is Gaius Boltar.
It would be hilarious if that female human model was the only one that they had, and all the Cylons look exactly like her.
‘No I swear I’m not a Cylon! They modelled themselves off me, I promise!!’
Oooh, redspine. I’ve seen images of that on…T-shirts, I think.
That seems like an easy way to tell the difference, right there.
Check the redness of the spine.
(I would be like the Hans Landa of the BSG universe, I swear)
It only happens during sex
This means that Cylons can’t ever do reverse cowgirl, or have sex in front of a mirror.
Or in front of a camera.
Hence the high price of Cylon porn.
Man, snapping a baby’s neck…that is a hell of a mean thing to do.
I am starting to suspect that the Cylons are not the good guys.
Captain Leo!
I’m pretty sure he’s in the game as well.
Do you think they’ll do a crossover?
I’m assuming that there’s no auto landing because…he doesn’t trust computers?
Because of the whole Cylon thing?
Or he just wants his pilots to be good at landing.
It seems like a useful skill for a pilot to have.
Haha lovely.
Pretending to hate each other to mask the sex.
There seems to be a good amount of sex on this show so far.
Caprica City, Capricania, Planet Caprica.
Right next to Capricaville in the next country over, Capricazon.
Second star to the right
and then straight on ‘til morning
Is the Cylon pretending to be religious?
Or I’ve just completely mixed up characters…
IIRC, the “mysticism and superstition” largely turns out to be true, doesn’t it?
I’m prepared to be disappointed.
This is such a great idea for a hard sci-fi series.
It really doesn’t seem to need supernatural elements.
Star Wars had supernatural elements
and Star Wars is the hardest of sci-fi
Didn’t you see the prequels? It’s not supernatural, it’s little bacteria in your blood that lets you control inanimate objects and read minds.
The CGI has held up pretty well.
Unless they actually filmed this part in space, with real spaceships.
“You’re actually afraid of computers.”
Yeah, like the computers that…tried to destroy all mankind?
I have four awards I’m going to be giving out for each episode (or, in this case, “chunk”):
Most Likeable
Least Likeable
Most Intriguing
Best CGI
They’re pretty self-explanatory
I think I am going to give Punchy McGee Least Likeable
And so far the Cylons are winning Best CGI.
The Cylon seems to be jealous.
It is possible that I am confusing two characters though.
She walked in on Gaius sleeping with another lady.
It’s a monogamy thing. You might not understand.
“I have something to tell you…”
‘I am a robot sent to destroy mankind! Surprise!’
“Stand closer…closer…perfect!”
‘Now the ROBOT BULLET will kill you both!’
The only death so far has been that of a baby.
Show verdict so far: needs more death.
(Not specifically baby deaths)
(Although I’ll take what i can get)
Oh wow…she really has told him that she is a robot.
What an interesting relationship.
If honesty in a relationship is surprising to you I think we need to have a talk
I’m giving Cylon-lady Most Intriguing.
I want to know more about their relationship AND why she’s telling him and…
Yeah. Lots of questions!
She has totally intrigued me.
Run, Zack!
Get the heck out of there!
Jesus Christ, Zack.
Why are you not running?
She’s just told you a heap of information that you really need to act on.
Though it looks like it won’t super matter.
Who is Zack?
He means Gaius…
I do not know why I keep thinking his name is Zack.
It so rarely is.
“The Cylon war is long over.”
Dramatic Irony strikes again!
Oh man.
The last commander is embarrassing himself in from of the future president.
“Humans suck!”
He is going to be so red when he realises most of the people listening to the speech ARE human…
Why are people clapping that?
That speech was a total downer.
Oh shiiiiit.
Now the reporters are dying.
Zack: “What have I done?”
I’m genuinely not sure what you’re feeling guilty about there. .
For assuming that your girlfriend wasn’t a robot?
We’ve all been there, Zack.
We’ve all been there.
(I assume my girlfriend isn’t a robot every single day.)
He gave her the passcodes for the Cylons to get in past the planet’s defences, thus killing almost everyone on the planet.
Poor Zack. 🙁
I’m giving Zack Most Likeable.
I know, I know: controversial choice. He’s a cheater who destroyed mankind.
But remember, even Hitler won Time Man of the Year at some point.
A small part of me is expecting Galactica to have big wheels representing their remaining food, population, fuel and morale…
I genuinely don’t know how or why this show would fulfill that expectation
Like in the board game…
Gavin, real life doesn’t always work like a board game
The man announcing “Action stations” sounds so, so bored.
Come on, dude.
This is the first time we’ve had action stations in 50 years. Put some energy into it.
“And get Kara out of the brig…”
yeah good move.
If you want the Cylons PUNCHED IN THE FACE.
Jesus, this is 10 years old.
The CGI has really impressed me.
“Frak me”
…I normally enjoy sci-fi’s efforts to get around not being allowed to swear on-air, but “frak”?
Gorram Cylons
Most Likeable: Zack
Most Intriguing: Cylon-girl
Least Likeable: Punchy McGee
Best CGI: Robo-Cylons
[[Miniseries, Chunk 2]]
Cylons apparently have feelings.
And their spines glow red when they’re for-real turned on
What a strange bit of world-building
I guess that means you couldn’t just get a bunch of suspected Cylons to fuck and watch their spines.
I may not be the Jew-Hunter after all.
I accidentally saw a screenshot from the Battlestar Galactica opening credits the other day that said “Seven are known”, so I’m guessing we’re going to meet seven Cylons?
Maybe in this opening mini-series?
It’s actually in a “This Is Your Life” style event.
They bring out one of the characters and over the course of half an hour, introduce them to seven people who were secretly Cylons
My air force friend told me that for every pilot, you need one hundred other people to maintain the aircraft.
I feel like that ratio would be even greater for spaceships.
Just make some robots to help with maintenance.
How could THAT go wrong?
Haha this is literally the first time in my life I’ve heard the phrase “wingman” in its actual military context.
Like…I didn’t even realise that the original context WAS military until that line.
For no reason other than ART, they have octagonal paper in this show…
It’s a recurring thing, but it’s…weird.
I’ve got so many questions about why the Cylons aren’t just going to win this battle.
You’d think if there was any one Cylon on-board the BSG, they could just poison the shit out of the air supply.
Also the Cylons apparently have the ability to turn off spaceships!
That seems like a useful power.
Until the humans develop pedal-powered spaceships, of course…
Oh man these humans gonna die.
Oh man those humans died.
So my take on it from 55 minutes of TV show and a few hours of board game is…how the heck do the humans even have a chance??
I’m going to bet the couple sharing a spaceship survive, based on the Theory of Screentime.
Tell that to Game of Thrones
Why are these guys wearing spacesuits inside the spaceship?
I guess for situations like that when the ship gets pierced?
That seems like a massive inconvenience for such an occasional problem.
Tell that to double-wrapping condoms.
One of my favourite elements of space-based sci-fi is the ability to do stuff like drift and appear like debris on the radar.
If the President turns out to be a Cylon, that’s a hell of a long game she’s playing.
Looking sad about fatal diseases, in a room by herself, way before the Cylons even attack.
I like how in situations like this (the ship of people with no clear leader, the survivors from Lost) power is determined by whoever has the greatest air of authority.
Whenever you start a new show, there’s waaay too many characters to keep track of.
This one is doubly annoying because I reckon most of these dudes will be dead or Cylons soon.
When the series starts proper, I’ll be able to bond more with them.
Right now the only characters I am concerned with are President, Olmos, and Zack.
And honestly, I assumed Zack was going to die until everyone but me knew his name.
Couple from spaceship made it to a planet!
A planet that, admittedly, looks like it’s being nuked…
I have so, so many questions about the Cylons.
What do they want?
Is it just…revenge?
It looks like a pack of giant wild dogs are attacking.
Oh, it’s humans.
I guess that makes more sense.
Yay! Zack!
Or as Gavin insists on calling him, “Gauis Boltar”.
Erin Dorral is talking to “Captain”.
I do not know who either of these characters are.
See the best way to keep people on their toes for the rest of the series would be to make the most relatable character into a Cylon.
Right now, that’s Olmos, President or Zack…the three that we know for a fact aren’t Cylons.
Or…do we know anything for a fact?
I guess spaceship-couple could be Cylons.
They’re pretty relatable.
Oh right, “Captain” is the captain of the Politic-ship that the dying President lady is on.
Ah yes, the classic “many of you are going to die, let’s decide who lives” strategy.
“We’ll use the flight manual for the lottery.”
‘But…we need the flight manual! For flight!’
I feel like a lottery is a particularly weak way of choosing who lives but yeah in an emergency situation I guess they don’t have much choice.
Watching ships be launched is fun.
From a technological point of view, I’ve got all kinds of questions.
I think that ties into my Cylon questions though.
I just want more information at this point.
I can’t tell if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
‘Too much story! Give me more exposition!’
How come these old ships (or ‘birds’ as they’re called) can survive the Cylons’ interference?
Because they’re using old systems.
I mean for plot reasons I get it, but…
If the Cylons are just knocking “power” out, does that mean that the old birds don’t use…power?
Like maybe they’re nuclear-powered instead of battery powered, fair enough.
But my bigger question is:
Why are the Cylons unable to affect the ships that they ACTUALLY fought against last time?
Wouldn’t they be the frickin kings of beating them birds down?
They get in through wireless network systems
The new ships have those hardwired in, these old ones don’t have them because Olmos doesn’t allow them.
I like the fact that they’re not using energy quasars or whatever, they’re attacking each other…with nukes.
Maybe Punchy McGee is such a good pilot because…she’s a Cylon!?
Hell I have no idea.
I need at least one Cylon reveal before I can start making predictions that are actually based on anything other than pure guesswork.
Here’s a hint, just to get you going
Beware the red spines
Oh no, Zack!!!
Stealing the old lady’s ticket!
Oh, no he’s not.
What a twist!
Okay, female part of ship-couple is Sharon.
The guy is…Leo?
I’m going to call him Leo.
Because, y’know, Titanic.
Pio Dicaprica
His name is HELO. Like “Hello”, but not. He’s the guy that spends the first round off-ship in the board game, and now you know why!
Also I really think the old lady is a terrible choice.
Remember the logic you used to pick the children?
That was good logic.
Why on earth would you then allow an old lady to join the boat?
You are really enjoying saying ‘boat’.
Also: ‘birds’!
When I know with absolute certainty the outcome of a situation, I often have trouble caring while watching it.
People on the Battlestar are panicking and I’m just like “Yeah I’m pretty sure that the ship that the SHOW IS NAMED AFTER is going to survive.”
The drama of “hey most of you are going to die let’s save the old lady” is much more interesting
(if also a little frustrating.)
I think dying-lady is officially about to actually become President.
Yep, someone who knows they are doomed to die should definitely be put in charge of the lives of many other people.
They’re strong believers in a two term limit
When Zack saw his Cylon ex-lover lady in the crowd, I seriously thought that she was there.
I wanted to watch THAT group of survivors, as she…I dunno, systematically bites their heads off one by one.
(I don’t really know what Cylons do yet.)
(Other than have red-spine sex.)
Do they need to do anything else?
The president is repeating the oath incorrectly!
It’s “take”, not “accept”!
Wait, who is this dead guy they just found on the ship?
Different ship.
I got Cute Mechanic confused with Sharon.
I like Olmos, but currently the battlestar “Galactica” is the most boring part of Battlestar Galactica.
Unless McGee starts punching more people.
Oh cool!
Okay, they’re hyper light jumping.
I know that from the board game!
If they can do that like 3, 4 more times, they win!
The fleet that you’re taking command of looks like a garbage truck, a small ship, and the Hindenburg.
Good luck, Olmos.
With the Hindenburg on your side, what could go wrong?
‘Oh the humanity’
Captain Apollo!
He’s a character in the game!
Haha spaceships and AI that will kill you…and they’re still using corded headphones.
That’s adorable.
Oh man, Olmos and President are clashing heads already.
I suspect this will be a regular source of conflict in the series!
So far, looks like Olmos knew what he was talking about.
Olmos 1, President 0.
Does a big ship like this have a pilot?
Or is everyone in that room a pilot?
Like…a group pilot?
The ship is a Jaeger
Zack keeps hallucinating his Cylon lady.
It’s very confusing. I keep thinking she’s there, in different ways:
That time, I thought she was disguised as the old lady.
I feel like having someone manually do the countdown is stupid.
A computer would be much more accurate, surely.
Oh but then it could be a Cylon!
Although I guess the human could be a Cylon.
If you had to pick someone on your ship to be a Cylon, the countdown guy would be a good choice.
How much can he really do?
‘10…9…7! Ha! Gotcha! You all dead now.’
So much of the ludicrously out-dated technology can just be hand waved with “yeah because if it’s more modern than CYLONS!”
But seriously, transparent printed star maps??
‘Fax me some morse code, stat!’
“Did it work?”
“I don’t know.”
Of course he doesn’t know!
He did it and then you just found he was unconscious!
How the hell would he know?
Unless…he’s a Cylon??
(I really want people to start being Cylons.)
People will become Cylons, Peter!
Grow some patience.
The “star jump” cinematography was pretty cool.
I mean it’s a simple technique, but the way they used it was quite effective.
Most shows have a distinct point that really “grabs” me.
This one hasn’t grabbed me yet, but I’ll let you know when it does.
By the short and curlies.
I am still so annoyed at their choice to bring the old lady along.
She had better come in handy.
Or be a Cylon.
Hell, I’ll give anyone Most Likeable if they turn out to be a Cylon.
President: “No, don’t worry about it – I wouldn’t remember me either.”
This crazy man with a gun looks like a Cylon to me.
Please be a Cylon.
Man what if Cylons could self-destruct when they’re caught.
That would be cool.
So far:
Talking to your own hallucinations is only really effective when you’re House.
For everyone else it just leads to trouble.
Some idiot dropped a bomb!
Then there was a long pause, so I’m going to call that end of the episode.
Clumsy idiot…or CYLON?
Find out next episode!
(Prediction: not a Cylon.)
Most Likeable is going to the President, for joking about how forgettable she is.
That endeared her to me.
Least Likeable is definitely going to the Old Lady.
Most Intriguing can go to Zack, just because I like him and have already given away Most Likeable.
[[Miniseries, Chunk 3]]
Okay, let’s go!
This creepy sweaty guy is probably a Cylon.
Or he knows that Commander Armada is a Cylon.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if they were both Cylons?
Oh cool.
The President is in the Garden of Eden.
Religious references?
In Battlestar Galactica?
She’s with a small child who is playing with a doll.
Probably a Cylon.
The small child, not the doll.
The small child AND the doll.
When they finally reveal that everyone was a Cylon all along, you are going to be so disappointed/excited.
I love how they call the President sir.
Regardless of gender
Olmos and the President are the only two who I’m confident are NOT Cylons.
If I recall correctly, one of the cards from the board game (which I also haven’t played again since I last did this) showed a miniseries Cylon on it.
I don’t know why this is coming back to me so strongly now, but I feel like it was the greasy guy.
It was someone with a weird, sharklike face.
It’s such a specific memory.
I’ll look like an idiot if I’m wrong.
Sharky! You haven’t met him yet
Or the eel-ship
Fighting against the Deep Sea Squids
Deep Space Squids.
Why is the President’s assistant so young?
“Is there something you wanted to say to me?”
Oh no!
Little girl’s ship can’t make the jump.
Any time a kid is shown on TV, it’s generally so that we can hate them or to make us feel all the feelings.
(I am currently feeling the feelings)
(All of them.)
This pilot who was hanging out with the President is pretty ruthless. He’s a cool character.
Oh no!
Cylons are approaching!
Damn it, I want to know more about the Cylons.
Stop taunting me with pictures of little girls who are going to die, and show me more about the evil robots.
Do they need food, and air?
Can they impersonate death?
With a robe and a scythe, anyone can impersonate death.
“Maybe the Cylons are God’s retribution for his mistake. What if God decided he made a mistake, and decided to give souls to another creature instead?”
God works in mysterious and ridiculous ways.
Oh cool, bald alcoholic is back!
Colonel something.
Colonel “rude to the President”, apparently.
Colonel Insubordination.
Gavin: … It’s “Tigh”
“I’ll do it, but only because I know your father.”
Yeah I don’t like this guy.
He’s almost certainly a Cylon.
Other than Olmos, who I know from Dexter, I don’t think I’ve recognized a single actor on this show.
Asian Lady-Pilot is macking on…I don’t actually know who that guy is.
I don’t really know who anyone is except the President, Olmos, her young aide, and Punchy McGee
Who we haven’t seen for ages.
Kara Thrace
She used to date generic-white-guy-pilot’s brother, until the brother died.
And then they stopped dating?
Yes, Peter.
Oh, and I remember Zack!
I like Zack.
GAIU-…you know what, it’s not even worth it.
Yeah, Sweaty Guy is definitely a Cylon!
Woo hoo!
And it sounds like Olmos has a way to kill all the Cylons!
This whole season will be over before it even starts.
Unless this is a Roger Rabbit kind of thing, and the only guy who knows how to kill Cylons IS a Cylon.
The entire series is about Cylon Olmos’s elaborate plan to build a freeway.
And he would have gotten away with it too
if it weren’t for that meddling Arthur Dent
“I can feel more than you can ever conceive.”
Man, Cylons really are better than humans.
Go God!
Apparently the Cylon consciousness can only transfer when the body dies…what poor design.
Oh, Olmos called him out on it.
Go Olmos!
Right now these two characters are head and head for Most Likeable.
Oh no!
Now they’re fighting to the death!
I would express a desire for both to win, but I know Olmos lives for quite a lot of the show’s run.
Do Cylons have super-human strength?
Because that seems like something that it would be REALLY easy to test for.
Bashed to death by Olmos.
What a way to go.
I’m fairly confident that Zack isn’t a Cylon.
I mean it would be really weird if he was.
What with the Cylon, y’know, revealing herself to him and him being so shocked.
I’ve seen so much Hustle though…it’s ensured that I never trust what TV shows me.
I hate to tell you this, hallucination of Zack’s girlfriend, but yeah…I don’t think you’ve got a future together.
Man, if you had to hallucinate someone, you’d want to make sure to give them great cleavage like that, wouldn’t you?
“There’s another Cylon aboard this ship.”
Awwww yisss
I mean I’m aware that’s one of the major concepts of the show, but I’m still excited!
Zack’s ex-girlfriend hallucinations has a great soundtrack.
Oh shiiit what a great place to put a bomb.
Right in the middle of the bridge
Wicked cool
“Oh really? How do you know what a Cylon device looks like?”
‘Umm…because I’m a technology expert?’
‘You know who else are technology experts?’
And now Zack’s hallucination is propositioning him for sex, and making out with him.
Haha, that’s hilarious.
I am just really struggling to imagine why they don’t have basic “Are you a Cylon?” tests. Especially if they have freaking silicon in their brains.
Surely you can test for that!
“I don’t remember seeing him at any of the Cylon parties…” is a great line.
“They could be anywhere…any ONE!”
Least likely to be a Cylon: Olmos, The President, Echo, Zack.
Most likely to be a Cylon: Bald alcoholic, sweaty guy, Zack’s ex-girlfriend.
That’s Olmos’s son!
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that Olmos’s son is not a Cylon.
If you have some way of melting a Cylon’s silicon brain, put every human through that system!
“At a first glance, everything looks human.”
In that case, maybe take a second glance?
If you really feel like being thorough, even a third?
“Zack failed basic flight.”
Zak’s the brother.
I’m so freaking glad he explained that, because I forgot that the character I call Zack isn’t really called Zack.
Now there are two Zacks.
Way to be confusing, show.
Peter you need a better system for names.
Maybe “using the correct name once you know it”?
Oh no!
Zack (fake Zack, not real Zack) is setting someone up for a fall.
That won’t look suspicious at all.
Disclaimer: it WILL look suspicious!
I was using sarcasm!
Ugh, Zack. I’ve gone right off you.
You’re getting Least Likeable this episode.
I know he’s doing it for a good cause, but fucking hell, Zack.
You’re a lying…frak.
“Frakking lying”: great phrase.
I have suddenly warmed to “Frak” as an curse.
Bald alcoholic, I’m warming to you.
You’re doing all the things I would do if I had access to the information you’ve got access to.
Most Likeable: Olmos.
Least Likeable: Zack.
Most Intriguing: Bald alcoholic.
Literally none of those are the actual character’s names.
Maybe one, depending on which Zack you’re talking about.
Oh shiiiit!
They’ve found one of the star thingies that I remember from the game!
I sure hope she rolls a bunch of sixes.
“He’s got prisoners under heavy guard in his cargo hold. He wants to know what to do with them.”
I won’t lie, “dump them into space” was the first thing that popped into my head.
Aaaaand this is why you don’t have any friends.
Because he dumped them into space?
It’s so sad that the Cylons want the humans totally dead.
Couldn’t they just keep them as pets or something?
Olmos/President scenes are my favorites.
That, and any scene with a (non-hallucination) Cylon.
I am also warming to Apollo
Or, as I shall call him (mainly to annoy Gavin), “Dr Sungod”
Jesus Christ.
Oh man, the President rocks.
“Let’s get out of here and make babies.”
That, I should clarify, was a suggestion for the species, not just her overtly flirting with Olmos.
I also agree with her.
It’s the Ellimist strategy – get to as many planets as you can, have as many babies as you can.
It results in the survival of the species.
You can lose a battle.
Even if you lose 99% of the time, with the “propagate the species” plan, you still survive.
Like in Speaker for The Dead
Olmos listening to the President even further consolidates his position as Most Likeable this episode.
All the big macho men are like “We can’t run! MURICA!”
Technically they’re not Americans
Most Cylons don’t even have a nationality
Some of them are Norwegian though
Once they’re all found out, the game of “Guess the Norwegians” begins
These are some stupid people.
Olmos rocks.
Seriously…you’re one fucking ship.
You think you can take on EVERY Cylon ship that they’ve created over the last however-many-years-they’ve-been-gone?
Oh fuuuck.
The guy Zack pretended was a Cylon is being dumped into space
Screw you, Zack!
Haha wouldn’t it be amazing if he correctly managed to guess the only Cylon on the ship?
And the rest of the series was just everyone going “Yay, we’re safe!”
It would be a truly terrible narrative, but it would make me giggle.
And surely that’s worth shanghaiing the entire rest of the show.
Characters I am reasonably sure survive for at least the first season:
Dr Sungod,
When Olmos says jump, there should be a big red button they can slam.
Holly Hop Drive style.
This is really making me want to play the board game again.
I’m pretty sure you need at least 5 or 6 players though.
And you dumped most of your friends into space.
I can’t believe they left the guy that Zack betrayed behind.
Cold, Zack. Cold.
Whaaaaat. Earth is the 13th colony?
I’m confused.
Are we…how does this work?
It feels like they’re saying “13 colonies were made, none of whom knew that they were colonies.”
Like humans were seeded.
But that doesn’t quite make sense.
Haha, Starbuck is being so rebellious.
She’s pretty cool.
I mean, terrible at respecting rank
But a fun character to watch on a TV series.
Admitting he was wrong?
Olmos just keeps getting cooler.
Bald alcoholic also admitted he was wrong, but in a less cool way.
There weren’t even any gnarly kick-flips
Oh good.
Olmos was lying about Earth existing
I guess we’re all fictional
how about that
“If we’re going to survive, we need a bigger government!”
Yup, she’s a politician.
I mean, she’s probably right…I just feel like every profession would immediately say that.
‘If we’re going to survive, we need members of Monty Python!’ -John Cleese.
“Some Cylons may not know they’re Cylons at all.”
That’s super cool
And really explains one of the board game’s mechanics.
Oh man what if Zack is a sleeper agent!
Or Olmos!
Or the President!
Aaah!!! That changes everything!
What an awesome idea!
Can a Cylon become an alcoholic?
Oh god I don’t know who’s real and who’s not!
Man, if Earth DOES exist, and they make it there, Starbuck is going to be so confused when she comes across the coffee chain.
“There are only 12 Cylon models.”
How interesting!
No idea what it means, or who left the note
That is important information.
Haha those robot Cylons look so shit.
Did I give them Best CGI last time?
I’m reversing that decision for this episode.
Oh wow! Multiple Cylons with the same face!! So cool!
Okay that was freaking awesome.
To recap:
Most Likeable: Olmos.
Least Likeable: Zack. (even though he was totally right, it was by fluke and he’s still a dick.)
Most Intriguing: ASIAN CYLON GIRL.
Worst CGI: RoboCylons.
Best CGI: Duplicate Cylons.
Oh man if I didn’t have to go to bed I’d totally watch more.
That reveal was amazing!
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Zhou는 “비누와 저…향수…더 있나요?”라고 말했습니다.
이 거대한 대륙은 양쪽에 광대한 바다가 있어 세상과 고립되어 있다고 할 수 있습니다.
An impressive share, I just given this onto a colleague who was doing a little analysis on this. And he in fact bought me breakfast because I found it for him.. smile. So let me reword that: Thnx for the treat! But yeah Thnkx for spending the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love reading more on this topic. If possible, as you become expertise, would you mind updating your blog with more details? It is highly helpful for me. Big thumb up for this blog post!
이것은 아마도 Hongzhi 황제의 현재 분위기의 경우 일 것입니다.Hongzhi 황제는 Chang Cheng과 Zhao Shiqian을 생각했습니다.
Zhu Hou는 Fang Xiaofan을 살펴보고 Fang Xiaofan은 “질문을하겠습니다. “라고 말했습니다.
I have been surfing online more than 4 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article
like yours. It’s pretty worth enough for me. In my
view, if all site owners and bloggers made good content as you did,
the web will be much more useful than ever before.
바람의 방향이 언제든지 바뀔 수 있기 때문에 제한적인 풍력도 있습니다.
그가 자신감에 차 있는 것을 보고 Zhang Sheng과 다른 사람들은 약간의 죄책감을 느꼈습니다.
책을 쓸 기운도 없고, 단어를 코딩하다 보면 정신이 몽롱해진다.
그리고 폐하의 관심 때문에 그는 개인적으로 영국 공작 Zhang Mao에게 여기에 앉으라고 명령했습니다.
그의 생각에 Fang Jifan은 능력과 정치적 무결성을 모두 갖춘 사람입니다.
k8 カジノ kyc 時間
Wu Zhong은 가볍게 고개를 끄덕였습니다. “아, 이른 아침인데 무슨 일이야?”
Приобрел металлическую дверь недавно – качество на высоте и повышенная безопасность для моего дома. Монтаж был очень быстрым, а уровень шумоизоляции оказался гораздо выше, чем я предполагал. Внешний вид двери идеально сочетается с внешним видом моего дома. Советую к покупке!.
Потребовалась новая входная дверь после завершения ремонта. Обратился https://dvershik.ru из-за удобного каталога и подробных характеристик. Заказ был сделан строго в оговоренные сроки, монтажники работали аккуратно и профессионально. Отличное качество двери и высокий уровень сервиса, несомненно рекомендую!
그 외침은 온 하늘에 내린 눈꽃과 함께 하늘에 메아리쳤습니다.
“그게 다야?” Yang Tinghe는 경멸했지만 마음에는 나쁜 예감이있었습니다.
그건 그렇고, Zhu Zaimo의 핵심 아이디어는 의도적으로 비와 이슬로 강조됩니다!
그는 숟가락을 가져갔습니다. “시도해 볼게요. 소금이 너무 적은지 확인하세요.”
k8 カジノ 絵師
“계속해.” Fang Jifan은 마음 속으로 조용히 생각했습니다.
k8 カジノ 公式
Bravo for such an insightful post on this beautiful Monday! It sets a positive tone for the week ahead. Adding more visuals could make your future posts even more engaging and visually appealing.
어떻게 하면 이 일을 계속할 수 있습니까? Liu Jian은 더 이상 소리를 내지 않았다.
I was very pleased to find this web-site.I wanted to thanks for your time for this wonderful read!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you blog post.
Fang Jifan은 솔직하게 말했습니다. “예, 내 아들은 명령에 따릅니다.”
하지만 왜구와 싸운다는 명목으로 하루종일 고기잡이를 할 수는 없다.
Zhu Houzhao는 주저하지 않고 말했습니다.
Fang의 부엌에서 많은 요리사와 도우미가 쫓겨났습니다.
k8 カジノ 入金 反映
This post was created with 2ssdsd3222aa.com
I have no words to describe how your content illuminated my day. Keep being that source of inspiration!
“…” Fang Jifan은 더 이상들을 필요가 없었고 이미 무슨 일이 있었는지 알고있었습니다.
Luar biasa sekali! 👏 Apakah penulis dari blog ini menerima bayaran? Saya ingin bergabung!
에그 카지노
Fang Jifan은 이미 차 문을 닫았고 너무 게을러서 그의 말을 듣지 못했습니다.
트레져스 오브 아즈텍
필사적으로 기침을 참으며 : “알아, 뒤로 물러나도 돼.”
가네샤 골드
경기장 밖에서는 “심판을 죽여라, 죽여라! “라고 외치는 압도적인 목소리가 들렸다.
Superlative! But seriously, what’s with all the English comments and emojis? 😅
Wonderful! But, seriously, why all the English comments and emojis? 😁
Magnificent! But, seriously, why all the English comments and emojis? 😅
Magnificent! But, seriously, why all the English comments and emojis? 😅
Marvelous! But, seriously, why the influx of English comments and emojis? 😁
문 프린세스 100
반달 후… 오스만 국경 도시가 여전히 평화로울 때.
I’m bookmarking this for inspiration, phenomenal!
와일드 바운티 쇼다운
어떻게 들리든 왕 전하가 자신의 무덤을 파려고 하는 것 같습니다.
I’m adding this to my favorites, exceptional!
This is why I keep coming back, phenomenal content!
에그벳 스포츠
이 선 의식은 사소한 일이 아니며, 약간의 규칙도 어길 수 없습니다.이 Fengtian Temple은 의대생 그룹에 의해 임시 연구 기관으로 빠르게 변모했습니다.
5 라이온스 메가웨이즈
점점 더 많은 사람들이 현재 은행 준비금이 비게 될 것을 두려워합니다.
슬롯 무료
이 녀석은… 태도가 아주 문제적이야, 맞아야 하지 않나.
A cada visita a este site, sou recebido com um senso palpável de confiança. É reconfortante saber que posso navegar aqui com tranquilidade. Obrigado por manter os mais altos padrões!
A cada acesso a este site, sinto-me imediatamente envolvido por uma atmosfera de confiança. Parabéns pela dedicação à segurança dos usuários!
슬롯 추천
이쯤 되면 또 마음에서 슬픔이 밀려와 울음을 참을 수 없었다.말하는 목소리는 조금의 감정의 동요도 없이 매우 차분했다.
슬롯 카지노
부지런하다고는 하지만 기죽지 않고 제방에 입맞출까?
슬롯 머신
이 말은… 실제로 Hongzhi 황제의 마음을 약간 움직였습니다.
무료 슬롯
Fang Jifan은 “꺼져! “라는 한 마디 만 가볍게 내뱉었습니다.
슈가 러쉬
Zhu Houzhao는 매우 기뻐하며 얼굴 전체에 미소를 지으며 말했습니다. “아버지, 그냥 만 하트를 올려주세요.”
슬롯 게임 추천
Fang Jifan 때문에이 Daming Palace는 많은 사람들의 관심을 끌었습니다.
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프라 그마 틱 슬롯 사이트
Fang Jifan은 감정으로 한숨 만 쉬었습니다. 그의 전하, 당신이하는 일을하고 당신이하는 일을 사랑하는 모범입니다.
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에그벳 스포츠
Fang Jifan은 그에게 관심을 기울이지 않고 오랫동안 잃어버린 집의 문으로 계속 나아갔습니다.
황제 슬롯
그렇게 말하면서 그는 Fang Jifan에게 엄숙하게 세 번 머리를 숙이고 떠나기 시작했습니다.
Hello there! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering if you knew
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문 프린세스
하지만 Fang Jifan은 상자에서 이상한 것을 꺼냈습니다.
슬롯 사이트 추천
Fang Jifan은 눈을 굴렸습니다. “폐하의 이름은 전하의 이름을 따서 명명됩니다.”
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무료 메가 슬롯 머신
Lao Fang은 자신을 책임질 사람을 찾으려고 했지만…
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꽁 머니 슬롯
그런데 이때 밖에서 목소리가 들렸습니다. “폐하께서 오셨습니다… 폐하…”
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잘 터지는 슬롯
5대신에게 수도의 정세를 안정시키라고 여러 번 지시해도 할 수 있는 일이 없었다.
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트리플 슬롯
그 후 큰 소녀가 문에서 보고서를 들고 안뜰로 들어갔습니다.
카 심바 슬롯
Hu Kaishan은 돛대에있는 Lie의 깃발을 조용히 바라 보았습니다. “예, Lie ‘s *.”
하이퍼노바 인피니티 릴스
그냥… 이 좋은 소식은 정말 이상해요.