Bechdel Test: The Internship
The Internship passes the Reverse Bechdel Test in the first scene. Unsurprising, considering the two central characters (played by Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson) are male. The rest of the film, how...
ReadmoreBechdel Test: The Wolf of Wall Street
Martin Scorcese is a genius. No matter what the genre, when he turns his hand to making a new film, the result is either a masterpiece or something very close to it. Whether attempting a childr...
ReadmoreBechdel Test: Chasing Amy
Chasing Amy is a 1997 rom-com written and directed by Kevin Smith. It deals, as many romantic comedies do, with a relationship between a man and a woman. The twist? She’s a lesbian. The film wa...
ReadmoreAn introduction to the Bechdel Test
The Bechdel Test is simple. Originally devised by Liz Wallace, popularized in comic form in 1985 by Alison Bechdel, it asks three questions about a work of fiction: Does it have at least two f...