[[Episode 13]]
Just read through all my S2 tweets
Reminded me of a couple of mysteries not being dealt with:
-why Libby was in the mental hospital
-the injections
-who typed to Michael
More relevantly, why were we SHOWN Libby in the mental hospital? Just for a good end-of-ep, or is she going to be super-relevant?
Just had a Theory: the “flu” injections are somehow linked to the brain-washing injections.
This ep’s name: The Man from Tallahassee.
Was hoping for a Jack/Others episodes, sounds more like it’s going to be a Sawyer episode. Here we go!
Previously on Lost is about Locke’s wheelchair and father!
Looks like Locke flashback, explaining his paralysation.
Oh. very clever subversion. Assumed disability payouts were about wheelchair, they were about his depression. Well played, Lost
Love Jack mingling with the Weirdtopians.
Benry is wheelchair-bound. I sincerely hope the tie between this episode and the flashbacks is more than just the wheelchairs.
I love Sayid so.
Sayid and Locke are both united in their “Jack must have a reason” stance.
Kate is being all restless and horny.
I love Locke.
This liveblog is more than just me pronouncing love for Lost characters, I swear…
The show just has some really great characters.
If you’ve got a forcefield protecting your village, suppose there’s really no need to post guards.
Did it pick up Eyepatch’s death?
Thinking about it, it’s been quite a while since we saw Jack.
You know, Jack, the main character of the show.
“Main character”, anyway.
Kate and Sayid and Locke could have killed a lot of people before they were caught.
I hope the Others take their mercy into account.
By the way, I’m 90% sure that the Lists refer to the characters easiest to brainwash.
Benry’s line was quite funny. Might give him a sympathy Most Likeable, just because he’s never won it before.
I think Locke’s Dad is the second most-common flashback character, after Jack’s Dad. Possibly Denise.
Theories as to why Locke wants to explode the submarine:
-he believes the Island is the best place in the world
I keep trying to work out how Jack’s Dad can tie into other people’s backstories. He can’t be EVERYBODY’s father.
Oh, by the way, Alex’s beau. What the crap happened to him??
With Eyepatch Man’s farm, I think we’ve accounted for all 6 Dharma labs, from Alpha to Zeta.
The Hatch, Group B’s hideout, the place where Claire was taken, Eyepatch Man’s base, the Pearl…I’m missing one.
No way that Jack is going to manage to get off and then return to the Island. He’s either being written out (unlikely) or won’t leave.
Benry doesn’t seem to have been aware of the Island’s healing powers until Locke arrived.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Some of the Others are lovely, some seem to be real shits.
Oooh, very cool tiny reveal.
The Others use Dharma-brand food.
Benry’s trying to recruit Locke.
Benry’s dialogue is mostly useless, he lies all the time.
Locke totally does know this island better than Benry does.
He’s looked into its eye and all that jazz.
The Others have developed a nickname for the Hatchsplosion:
“The Anomoly.”
Dharma-like nickname. (think “The Incident”, “The Hostiles”)
Locke is all about blowing things up.
The Hatch, Eyepatch’s farm, now the Submarine.
Locke’s a great character, but sometimes he can just be an arse.
Jack, Benry’s word is not really super-useful.
He pretended not to be him for the first few weeks you knew him, remember?
Of course, he didn’t even bother lying.
“I’ll let them go as soon as you leave the island.”
I dislike people calling Locke “John”.
Show more respect for the man!
It’s moments like this that I’m really grateful I’m not in a wheelchair. I thoroughly enjoy the use of my legs.
So everyone who seemed to have an uninteresting past has either died or had their past turned interesting.
Boom, Shannon, Claire,
People keep on conning Locke. He’s so darned connable.
God Benry is a prick. I want to give him Most Likeable, for providing some great moments, but I just can’t. He’s not at all likeable.
Benry has a holodeck?
Oooh. Perhaps “communion with the Island” (Benry’s line) is what qualifies people for the list.
We had better not have whatever’s in the door be the end-of-episode cliffhanger. That would just be cruel.
Woah! Locke’s Dad! Had that typed out as a prediction, but backspaced it for being too ridiculous.
Note to self: don’t do that again.
Most likeable: Sayid! Sayid rocks.
Least likeable: Benry.
Most intriguing: Locke. Still can’t quite nail his philosophy. But he rocks.
So they either
a) went over to the mainland and tracked down Locke’s Dad, or
b) pulled him out of the “magical box.”
My money’s on a).
Some quick notes on character backstories and how they’re tied to either Jack’s Dad or the Island.
Jack: his Dad is Jack’s Dad. Duh.
Kate: no ties, but was a criminal.
Sawyer: Met Jack’s Dad, was a criminal.
Michael and Walt: No ties.
Locke: Island gave him mobility back, dad was a criminal.
Jin/Sun: Sun’s dad was a crime lord.
Libby: shared psych ward with Hurley.
Hurley: won lotto by Numbers that seem to link to Island somehow.
Eko: brother + plane crashed on Island, was a crime lord.
Anna: worked for Jack’s Dad.
Claire: daughter of Jack’s Dad.
Charlie: no ties.
Desmond: no ties?
Boom/Shannon: no ties.
Crazy Danielle: no ties, but we don’t really know much about her.
Rose/Bernard: Island cured Rose.
Sayid: no ties?
Locke’s Dad seems to be on the island, but that doesn’t really count until we find out why he’s there.
That’s all that I can think of.
Claire and Eko were linked by the psychic, but Eko’s dead now so it doesn’t look like that plot’s going anywhere.
Loved Eko so much.
Don’t think I’m missing any.
Would check IMDb but that place is way too spoiler-heavy.
Maybe once I’ve hit s5 I’ll venture there.
So, recap: Jack’s linked to his Dad who’s linked to Anna and Sawyer and Claire who was linked to Eko whose brother/plane were on the Island.
Hurley’s linked to the Island by numbers and also to Libby (in a plot that I really hope is explained at some point.)
Rose and Locke were both healed by the Island but don’t have any other ties to each other or to the Island.
Unlinked: Boom, Shannon, Charlie, Jin/Sun, Kate, Michael, Walt, Desmond, Sayid.
Prediction: by the end of s5, they’ll all be linked.
Linked to either the Island or Jack’s Dad, not to each other or anything like that.
Jack’s Dad is totally the Others’ mysterious “Him”.
Also: was really impressed by Shannon’s death not being a huge deal.
Islanders treated it like any other death, even though she was a lead.
Just had another thought:
Tallahassee Man was really cleverly introduced.
We noticed it but didn’t notice that it was never explained or resolved.
Will definitely come back.
(lucky I spotted ep title or wouldn’t have remembered)
[[Episode 14]]
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning, and I’m inside watching Lost!
While trying to work out which ep I was on, accidentally read spoilers:
-The Weirdtopians move, because their secret location is no longer secret.
-Kate and co are not warmly received back at the beach.
At the end of the last episode, a door was opened to reveal Locke’s evil murderous conman father, tied to a chair. Intriguing!
Here we go. No previously on, just a shot of an unknown girl running.
Unless…VHE?? Could we have a VHE flashback ep?
Looks to be! VHE was a stripper.
Of course, this being primetime, she won’t get naked.
I didn’t realise for years that they actually did in real life.
I genuinely thought that strippers just went down to skimpy bikinis.
Oooh, she’s a star of a show.
Her catchphrase: “Razzle Dazzle!”
I can only hope that she is a stripper AND detective.
Hey, that’s Billy Dee Williams! This is quickly becoming my favourite ep.
Things that rock about this episode so far:
-dodgy TV shows
-Billy Dee Williams
-Sawyer/Hurley playing ping-pong.
Apparently VHE’s name is “Nikki”.
Hurley: “She’s dead!”
No way. That is called ACTING, my friend!
While originally inspired, Sawyer’s whole “Who ARE these people?” re: characters who have supposedly been on the island the entire time is getting a little old.
Prediction: Nikki’s sleeping with the chef.
Nikki seems to be a thief.
I can only hope that she is also a conman.
I am such a fan of conmen.
I am starting to suspect that Nikki is not VHE after all.
I don’t recognise her boyfriend (“Paulo”) as Dirk the Dick.
Heyyy! Boom/Shannon.
Flashback crossover, AND the reappearance of dead characters.
This episode is seriously impressing me thus far.
I wonder if we’ll ever get the story of random redshirt who got sucked into jet engine.
Woo! Redshirt sucked into jet engine, from a slightly different angle!
Hmmm. This shot of Paulo makes him look a lot like Dirk.
Paulo is dead too? Woah. Two deaths in 5 minutes. Haven’t had this high a concentration of deaths in a while.
More things that rock about this ep:
-flashbacks to post-pilot moments
-Ethan in the flashbacks
-it follows, as I hoped, an extra!
Admittedly, my request was for an episode in the present following an extra, but following them in flashback is just as good.
ARZT!! He was SO close to getting The Locke Award.
This episode may well push him over the edge.
This episode seriously rocks so fucking much.
Nikki and Paulo just found the plane. “If I go up there, that thing’s going to fall.”
AND they found The Pearl.
Jesus, other characters, why didn’t you recruit these two from the start???
They are super-useful!
I really, really hope that Nikki and Paulo were working with the Others.
It’s one of the few ways they can get much cooler.
I can’t get too excited for the bag being worth 8 million dollars now that I know Hurley’s worth 150 million.
Have these guys been extras on the show since day 1, or did they only show up when they got speaking roles?
Extras all along would be much cooler.
Oooh. Paulo went back to the Pearl by himself.
OH! That’s how he knew about the toilet!
OH!!! That’s WHY he went in the toilet!
OH! Ben and Juliet were using the Pearl to watch everyone in the Hatch.
God this show is layered.
I’m super-excited about this episode.
Did they have Nikki and Paulo written in as these characters from the start, or is this a recent addition?
Honestly, feels recent.
Ah, clever.
Sawyer’s “Who’s Nikki?” wasn’t an overused joke, it was a clue.
I need to be less excited here, but the episode ROCKS.
I love it when characters just confess to things.
Charlie’s all like “I bagged and dragged you”, just out of the blue. Drives the plot.
The McGuffin was just diamonds. How disappointing.
Unless they’re setting up for a subversion, which wouldn’t surprise me.
You don’t deliberately not show us something for 30 minutes to have such a dull reveal.
I guess diamonds aren’t normally dull but in the world of Lost they def are.
Hey! Desmond was handing a bucket to Bearded Glasses-extra.
Bearded Glasses-extra is my favourite extra.
I still live in hope for a full episode just about Bearded Glasses-extra.
We’re due for a Sun/Jin episode pretty soon, but they’re not at all related to the main plot.
Most others aren’t.
Characters related to the big plots (Others, Numbers, Jack’s Dad):
-Jack (Dad)
-Kate (kidnapped)
-Sawyer (kidnapped)
-Hurley (numbers)
Holy crap this is one of the best-written episodes I’ve ever seen.
Arzt, earlier: “This spider will attract all the males.”
Not-Paulo Lies, “Paralysed.”
This is officially going down as my favourite episode of the season. I don’t care what comes after.
Episode end.
That could easily have just been a filler episode, but even if it was, best filler episode I’ve ever seen.
Most likeable: …hard to say. Most people were pretty cool. Will give it to Paulo for callbacks.
Least likeable: VHE, but she then redeemed herself. Gosh, these are tricky this episode.
Most intriguing: VHE again.
I didn’t comment, but I did find it a bit odd that we kept getting shots of VHE and Paulo even after they were dead.
Such a great episode.
Other characters tied into the big plots:
-Claire (Jack’s Dad)
-Desmond (heaps of ways)
-Locke (Others)
-Sayid (Others)
Characters not really tied into the big plots:
[[Episode 15]]
Previously on Lost is about the mother of Sawyer’s daughter.
My guess is that we’ll have non-relating flashbacks this ep.
Oh, interesting. Kate flashback.
Was really expecting Sawyer flashbacks this episode.
Kate/Sawyer backstory tie-in!
God the Others are effective.
They offer exactly what everyone wants, makes them freak out their former companions.
Things the Others have offered to manipulate people:
-Jack: a ride home,
-Locke: his father,
-told Sawyer they’d hurt Kate,
-told Michael they’d hurt his son…
My prediction:
-Sawyer isn’t banished.
Well, maybe for an episode or two, but you can’t banish Sawyer.
He rocks too damned hard.
By the way, another clever clue last episode: we had flashbacks from Nikki and Paula. Dead people don’t get flashbacks.
If the fact that all these characters are related to each other in some way (ie Sawter meeting Jack’s Dad, Kate meeting Sawyer’s ex) isn’t tied up in some way, I’ll be disappointed.
Supernatural or conspiracy, I don’t mind, just explain the links.
I only just got, a few episodes ago, why Jin was so good at fishing. He was born in a fishing village. Duh.
Still no sign of Alex’s lover.
Now we (“we”) have Juliet though, so maybe she’ll provide us with some answers.
Kate: “Welcome to the wonderful world of not knowing what’s going on.”
Nice line.
Sawyer’s ex helping Kate doesn’t make much sense.
This feels like a filler episode.
Interestingly, last episode (which was) didn’t.
Kate/Juliet handcuffed in the forest? Totally filler.
And this backstory is just crossover for the sake of crossover.
An unlikely pairing forced to be handcuffed together is a cheesy trope, which Lost does like to play with, but I don’t think it’s working here.
Fistfight with someone you’re handcuffed to, that’s something I’ve not seen before.
I think Kate just broke Juliet’s arm.
Now THAT is interesting.
We hear the monster, Juliet’s reaction: “What the hell is that??”
-she’s lying (unlikely)
-the Others don’t know about the monster
-some Others do, other Others don’t.
It’s not just me who thinks that the Smoke Monster sounds more than a little industrial, is it?
Oooh. The Smoke-monster just camera-flashed Juliet’s face and left. Never seen it do that before.
Further supports the security theory.
Theory: Hurley made up the whole “banishing” thing just to make Sawyer nice for an episode.
Lighting’s weird in this episode.
Jesus, Kate, help the woman undislocate her shoulder.
You dislocated it, it’s really the least you can do here.
Remember my night-class suggestion a few seasons back?
Seems like they took it.
Everyone’s hunting and fishing and gutting fish.
It would be quite clever if Juliet had been planted to get some kind of information from Kate, but it really doesn’t seem likely.
Kate’s mum is totally getting Least Likeable.
“You can’t help who you love!”
Stop defending your abusive dead ex!
I sort of thought the Jack/Kate/Sawyer love triangle would peter out a bit once two of them slept together. Seems not.
…Juliet had a key for the handcuffs the whole time?
I cannot see the point of not using it until now.
That was an intense little moment there. Juliet
a) had a key
b) knew about the smoke monster
c) used the fence against it.
Juliet: “We don’t know what it is, but we know that it doesn’t like our fences.”
Crap! Just remembered that I had a dream about Lost last night.
Keep getting confused between things that actually happened on the show vs in my dream.
Sawyer: “You fooled me into being decent? That’s got to be the lamest con in the history of cons.”
Hurley: “You’re our leader now.”
I maintain that this episode was largely filler, but it turned out to be much better than expected.
I quite like Leader!Sawyer.
So now that this whole village is abandoned AND fence-protected, why don’t the Castaways move up here?
Admittedly, it doesn’t have the fish or boar that their beach-location does, but on the other hand…houses! Island Suburbia!
We got a bit of Smoke-Monster exposition, which was nice, but that was really about it.
And I suppose the fact that the Others have moved from Island Suburbia, but that didn’t need a whole episode.
Completely irrelevant flashbacks.
I really don’t think the Kate/Sawyer flashback crossover will play a big part in the plot.
Had we found out that Sawyer’s girlfriend was pregnant THIS episode, that would have been a nice reveal, but we already knew that.
Episode end.
Least likeable: Kate’s mum.
Most likeable: Sawyer.
Most intriguing: Juliet. I really enjoy the character of Juliet.
[[Running Tally: All seasons]]
[[Current season]]
[[Awards presented:]]
“The Locke Award” (previously on 7 “Most likeables”)
“The Locke Award” (awarded before he even won any “Most likeables”)
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