[[Episode 22]]
So, currently my biggest question is what reveal the season will end on.
Top contenders at the moment are Jacob or the off-shore boat.
My Jacob theories are that he’s either
a) the spirit of the Island, or
b) Jack’s Dad.
Either way, he could well be dead.
I just came up with a theory then:
Locke, in death, gets incorporated into Jacob’s spirit.
That would actually be mighty cool.
Without further ado, Through the Looking Glass part 1, ep 22.
Previously on Lost is all about the underwater station.
Oh! And the “blow up the others” plan!
The Blow Up Plan is probably what they’ll end the season on.
All seasons have ended on explosions thus far.
Is…is that Jack with a beard? Why does Jack have a beard?
I assume this is a Jack flashback episode?
To a time when he had an ugly-ass beard?
Or some kind of weird dream or forward-flashback.
Perhaps it’s Jack’s brother, mourning his death.
I genuinely have no idea.
Maybe this is one of those “loops” I’ve heard about.
Oh yes, haven’t mentioned yet.
Due to a twitter conversation that I was a part of, I accidentally know a couple of spoilers.
Sawyer kills someone called Anton Cooper, and there are something called “Loops”.
Prediction: Bearded Jack doesn’t kill himself.
Looks like instead, he’s going to save people from a car crash.
The “Juliet is a mole” thing was most unsatisfactorially resolved.
Pretty sure that’s not a word.
There should have been more conflict.
Sayid: “I’m willing to give my life up for rescue.”
Gosh darn you rock, Sayid.
You’re an early contender for Most Likeable already.
Did I already predict that the Island Mens’ super-sperm is what causes the babies to die?
If not, I’m predicting it now.
I’m still unclear how much the non-Jack/Kate/Sawyer Islanders know about the Others.
What were they told?
If I knew there was a civilisation of people who COULD get off the Island but choose not to, I’d want to know everything about them.
Obviously I DO know about them.
I meant if I were a castaway on the Island.
I hope my meaning was unambiguous.
It’s amazing how bad I am at recognising Australian accents when they’re on American shows.
No matter how good the accent.
I have a different frame of reference, “American” becomes my base to compare them to.
Just then, for example, I thought Naomi was Aussie.
Okay, so the Amphibs are definitely part of the Others.
I love it when Benry is baffled.
He’s all “What!?? How???”
There’s only 10 people in this attack that they’re blowing up.
We’ve still got no idea how many total Others there are.
Dozens? 100s?
This dramatic music is fantastic. Totally made my heart race.
Oh no! Jin, you missed the dynamite! You fool!
Jin, you’ve doomed us all!
Now you and Sayid have been all captured!
Admittedly, I’m glad that Tom survived. Tom is my favourite Other.
Is Ugly-Beard Jack meant to be him pre-doctor?
Should he look younger?
Okay, no. This is set post-divorce.
Thought maybe the beard was meant to take like 20 years off. (it really doesn’t)
It consistently takes me a second to adjust when Denise is called Sarah.
Denise is a bitch.
Jack: “Maybe you could give me a lift home?”
Her: ‘Nuh-uh! You can walk, donut-breath.’
Does Jack even eat donuts?
(I may have slightly altered her response for comedic purposes.)
Prediction: season ends with Charlie drowning.
That would be a worthy death.
I’m big on worthy deaths in TV shows/movies/books.
Benry: “Shoot Quon. (Jin)”
Way to fricking raise the stakes, Ben!
Fuck, Bernard! Why you gotta be like that?
Oooh, in other news, Benry just mentioned a temple.
Temple? That sounds expositiolicious!
So the explosions happened earlier, ruling that out of things that could be the season ending.
I’m back to Charlie’s death.
Sawyer! We haven’t seen Sawyer for ages.
Kate:”Tell me what happened!”
What are they…oh, that’s right!
You killed Locke’s Dad. Completely forgot.
Of course you’re going to be preggers, Kate.
Sawyer was virile even before the Island, but now with his Super-sperm?
Bound to be.
So far both seasons of Lost have ended with an explosion.
I am hoping that’s a trend that continues.
Charlie sure is bleeding a lot in this episode.
Oh great, more bearded flashbacks.
This had better freaking relate in some way.
These hospital scenes are sort of making me want to watch Grey’s Anatomy again.
Gosh that was a deliciously bad show.
I’m nominating Jack’s beard for ugliest beard I’ve ever seen on television or in movies.
(I have seen worse in real life)
Sawyer’s beard, however? Damn sexy.
Not the sexiest I’ve ever seen, but definitely right up there.
The Jack/Juliet relationship is probably my favourite on the show at the moment.
Maybe Charlie/Hurley as a close second.
Hey, second Amphib girl – is that…what’s her name…Ginnifer Goodwin?
She looks like Ginnifer Goodwin.
Eyepatch Man has taken off his Eyepatch.
He looks so fricking awesome.
Perhaps…more awesome?
No, just equally awesome.
Ben is talking about “Listening to the Island”.
Turns out that Locke was on the right track all along.
Gosh I hope he’s still alive.
Theory: The Island is strong in the Force.
That would seriously explain like 99% of this show.
Kate: “Why are you sticking up for Sawyer? He’d never do it for you.”
…so? That is not how society functions. Especially Island society.
Juliet looks a bit like a lizard at times.
Why the hell has Hurley come back?? Just to be in the episode?
Maybe all the main characters will turn back and the rest will be killed off.
Poor Hurley.
Speaking of Hurley, we haven’t had anything about Number Fever in so damned long.
Alex: “You put him in a room and brainwashed him!”
Ben: “I didn’t want him to get you pregnant. I suppose I overreacted.”
Alex: “Why don’t you want them to leave?”
SUCH a good question, but Ben gave such a shitty answer.
Hey, Locke’s alive! Seems that he’s lost the use of his legs.
He seems to do that sporadically.
Use the Force, Locke!
Prediction: Locke doesn’t kill himself.
If nothing else, because TV regulations generally don’t allow suicides to be shown.
Hey, Walt! Walt’s back! Apparition-Walt!
Nice twist, terrible episode ender.
This episode gets a serious, SERIOUS Flashback Fail. Possibly the most fail-ful flashbacks the show’s ever seen.
Most likeable: Sayid can have it for being awesome.
Least likeable: Amphib 1. (non-Ginnifer)
Most Intriguing: Benry. He’s so darned fascinating.
I’m swearing like a Mormon today.
“Gosh!” “Darned!” “Flibberty-gibbits.”
I haven’t said that last one yet, but I’ll try to in the next ep.
[[Episode 23]]
Okay! Season 3 Finale, “Through the Looking Glass Part 2”.
Previously on Lost is about the explosions, showing us who is captured by the Others, Charlie’s death-prediction, and the satellite phone.
Oh, okay.
Flashbacks are a continuation of last episode.
More Bearded Jack.
If they’re great, might retract my complaints about last episode’s flashbacks.
Crap! Had a prediction, can’t remember what it was.
Damn it, that’s going to bug me now.
Jack’s at a funeral.
Remember the only characters who have heard the name Jacob are Locke and the Others, so Jacob could be linked to anyone.
Jack’s taking pills.
Who do you think you are, House?
Danielle’s all “I’m not leaving the Island! It is my home now.”
Your nickname is Crazy Danielle for a reason, Crazy Danielle.
Oooh, nice.
Benry intercepted them, wants to talk to Jack.
Is exposition too much to hope for?
Typically exposition is something that irritates in movies/TV.
In Lost, I’m freaking begging for it.
Hey housemates on the phone, do you think you could maybe talk a bit louder? I can’t not hear the TV enough yet.
So if the station’s flooded, the equipment still works.
There goes my end-of-season theory.
People are getting shot all over the place here.
Eyepatch Man was just killed.
I’d be more concerned if it weren’t the 2nd or 3rd time.
Alex and Danielle are like 15 metres from each other!
Some shit had better go DOWN here.
Jack, you drug addict.
Don’t you realise the drug-addicted doctor plot has already been done to death by House?
Benry: “You’re going to kill all your people, Jack.”
I really hope he doesn’t. That would be terrible telly.
Oooh, extremely nice twist.
Benry’s all “Naomi is one of the bad guys.”
I’m inclined to believe him.
I genuinely have no idea why I trust Benry so much.
He’s so despicable.
I love him.
He may be my favourite TV bad guy ever.
Benry: “Why do you want to leave the Island so much?”
I mean, I’m pro shooting the dentist, but definitely not Sayid or Bernard.
Unless, of course, they were bluffing. It’s possible.
You know the rule of TV deaths – if we don’t see the body…in this case, we only heard the shots.
I’m not sure if I hope they’re dead or alive.
“Good Vibrations” is the coolest code ever.
This show’s hitting a lot of best-ofs from me tonight.
I must be feeling generous.
Ha ha!
The Danielle/Alex moment we’ve been building towards for so long.
Awards won by tonight’s episode of Lost:
Ugliest Beard, Best TV Villain, Coolest Code, and consideration for Sexiest Beard.
I can’t remember what I’ve already predicted, so sorry if these are repeats. Predictions:
-Naomi is with Desmond’s love.
-The Others’ Temple relates (obviously) to their weird funeral rituals, and (theory) to the four-toed statue foot.
Kate: “Why didn’t you kill Benry?”
Because he’s just won Best TV Villain.
Duh, Kate.
Yeah, this is why I was hoping they were actually dead.
Them being alive feels like a cop-out.
Also Sayid just broke someone’s neck with his legs.
This is a serious contender for best episode of the season.
If only
1) The flashbacks didn’t suck so bad, and
2) I hadn’t already promised Best Episode to Expose. (which I do not at all regret.)
Sawyer just killed Tom.
Flashbacks aren’t getting any better.
Yes, Jack was suicidal, addicted to drugs and had a shitty beard.
So what?
That brings Sawyers’ kill-count up to…3? 4?
Hurley is so excited (deservedly so) about being the hero.
He can have Most likeable.
My money’s still on Charlie dying at the end of this episode.
It would be like the reverse subversion of last time.
Last time they set him up to die and he didn’t.
This time, he’s been set up to no longer be in danger, so he’ll most likely die.
Woo! Penelope! Things are starting to tie together.
Meanwhile, in the Underwater Hatch, spooky things are starting to happen.
Do grenades work underwater?
I am suspicious of grenades working underwater.
I guess there might be special underwater grenades but these do not seem like them.
Charlie’s looking like he’s going to die.
If I were him, I’d swim out the explosion-hole and up to the surface.
Instead, he’s being all self-sacrificing and writing messages on his hand.
I suppose that’s cooler.
I mean, I’d rather Charlie lived, but you can’t set up his death like they did (the flash-forwards) and then not have him actually die.
At last, we see the radio tower!
This was set up right at the beginning of season 1.
Cleverly layered show, Lost is.
They’re typing into the phone.
I really hope this causes something to explode.
Locke just killed someone with a knife!
Locke should kill more people with knives.
At least once per episode.
At this point, if I were Jack, I wouldn’t trust Locke either.
He keeps blowing things up when he shouldn’t.
Dramatic structure requires that Jack answer Chekhov’s phone.
And…yup, Locke just put the gun down.
Yeah, hate to break your bubbles guys, but you’re not getting rescued.
This is season 3 of 6.
You’ll be on the Island for a while yet.
This episode has done NOTHING to convince me that both it and the previous ep don’t have the absolute worst flashbacks on the show so far.
I need to go to the loo so bad but things keep happening.
Damn you Lost, why you gotta be so watchable?
Thank-you, Bearded Jack Flashback.
You came just at the right time.
Okay, urination complete, resuming episode play.
Jack is meeting someone.
If that someone isn’t like…called Jacob, or some equally cool dramatic plot twist…
…I assume that’s not Kate.
She looks a lot like Kate.
Like Kate without freckles.
What the crap?
I genuinely have no idea what’s happening here.
Is this them off the Island?
In the future?
Or clones, or alternative reality, or what?
So, Housemates, feeling loud tonight are you? I have had to rewind and increase volume of this bit twice now.
The “Golden Pass” implies that this is set after they get back on the main land.
This is thoroughly confusing me.
He just called her “Kitty”. I suppose that could be a diminuitive of “Kate”
…Jack: “We made a mistake.”
“We were not supposed to leave.”
Fuck you, ambiguous dialogue!
You are annoying…he called her Kate!
Okay, it’s Kate.
So this episode’s flashback sort of redeemed itself, but not enough to make up for how frustrating it was.
That’s how you want to finish the season?
THAT is your season ender?
Lost, you do a lot of things well, but ending seasons is NOT one of them.
Right, well, guess I’d better give out some awards.
Most Likeable: Hurley.
Least Likeable: Jack, for your shitty shitty flashbacks.
Most Intriguing: Locke? Apparition Walt? Naomi? I’ll give it to Benry, just for consistency.
Deaths: Charlie, Tom, Naomi, 2 other Others.
Wait, no. 4 other Others.
Also, Eyepatch Man gets mad props for escaping death for the 2nd or 3rd time. Go Eyepatch Man!
Hopefully by the time I finish season 4, season 5 is out, because I seriously hate Lost’s season finales.
Irritatingly unsatisfying.
You could argue that they’re successful because they leave you wanting more, but no, they leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.
[[A few hours later:]]
I have got to remember to always break between seasons.
The finales sit so much better with me after time to consider.
Things we learned from Jack’s future-flashbacks:
-They get off the Island (obvious)
-He grows a beard (ugly).
Let’s dig deeper.
-Jack’s Dad seems to still be alive. He references him twice. There’s a LOT to think about right there. Did he fake his death?
Someone made reference to him being a hero “twice”. That makes a lot more sense now. I already guessed “Golden Pass”, of course.
Kate (now nicknamed “Kitty”?) made a reference to “him”.
I like to think she was living with Sawyer. Maybe not though. Also: whose funeral?
Lost is extremely good at having so much going on that you miss asking obvious questions. eg: Why did Jacob want Locke’s help??
Also: WHY was Penny on the other end of that communications line? Didn’t even think about it at the time, but that makes NO sense!
Okay, predictions for next season:
-We start with everyone off the Island and see their return through flashbacks.
(their return to the mainland, not their return to the Island.)
Of course, is also possible that…hang on, this one’s hard to explain.
Two parallel timelines, running at once, instead of flashbacks. One where they get rescued, one where they don’t. That’d be cool.
It’s hard to effectively explain in text, but that’d be interesting and something only Lost could do.
Well not ONLY Lost, but Lost is the only TV show I can imagine trying to tackle it. It’s unlikely, but I’m optimistic.
-Penelope was a financier for the Dharma Initiative. That would explain her trying to find the Island + her being on the line.
I can’t really theorise much else, I wasn’t given a lot to work with last episode.
I remember thinking but don’t know if I predicted (unfortunately) that it would be cool if they DID get rescued and we dealt with that.
That’s right! It was when Michael got off the Island. I mentioned that it would be cool if we followed them, back in the real world.
Woah! JUST remembered – was tweeting at the time so couldn’t comment, but didn’t Jack profess his love for Kate in that last ep?
[[Running Tally: All seasons ]]
[[Current season]]
[[Awards presented: ]]
“The Locke Award” (previously on 7 “Most likeables”)
“The Locke Award” (awarded before he even won any “Most likeables”)
So it seems that this season, Sawyer was overwhelmingly likeable, Juliet was overwhelmingly intriguing, and Benry was generally quite dislikeable.
Sawyer really did rock this season.
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