[[Episode 4]]
Previously on deals with Jack being told Claire’s his sister, the blood test…basically all the non-Island stuff that’s been going on.
Holy crap, only just realised: last episode dealt with no off-Island stuff at all.
They seem to be mostly alternating.
This one (based on the Previously On) will deal with both Island and non-Island stuff.
I keep forgetting that Claire’s not dead, just gone to live with her crazy ghost-father.
Mystery of Jack’s Dad’s body still hasn’t been solved. Fuck they’ve a lot of disparate elements to tie in together.
We haven’t even had a second mention of the giant foot.
I’d assume they’d forgotten about it, except it was in “Lost in 8 minutes”.
Also, they don’t seem the type to forget huge plot elements like that.
I really really really hope it all ties in together.
I was reading a “decade’s top 10 TV series” thing earlier today:
“Another is ‘Lost’, which we can’t really make a determination on until we see the last season, which could prove ‘Lost’ to be a top five show of the decade or, ultimately, a huge disappointment, depending on how they wrap it up.”
See, “Three Years Later” makes SENSE when you put it after another sequence.
Prediction: Sun kills and eats Aaron.
Read that last one out loud.
I don’t think THAT’s going to happen.
Aww, he sent chocolates!
And a gun?
Well, I’ll eat the chocolates if she doesn’t want them.
Do you get a free gun with your chocolates in America??
I wonder what you get in your Christmas crackers…
Apparently my sister and mother didn’t like Juliet at first.
This lawyer is really good at avoiding gender pronouns while talking about his client.
I wonder if this lawyer’s name is Cobra Bubbles.
Sawyer’s being extraordinarily tetchy this season.
I don’t think he’s been happy for a second.
Admittedly, he did lose everyone he loves.
Sawyer doesn’t have an obvious tie to the Island, from memory.
I guess Locke’s Dad connecting him to Locke and thus the Island?
Charlotte’s awake. I had assumed she was dead.
I’m not amazing at keeping track of who’s dead and who’s alive.
(Sadly, I’m pretty awful at it in real life as well.)
Sayid: “The only side Benry is on is his own.”
I always saw Benry as on the Island’s side more than anything.
(Sayid obviously didn’t say “Benry”)
Sayid is too fast for you, assassin!
“Fyip, fyip”, darts straight into the bed!
Do the leg thing!!
He can’t always be doing the leg thing!
Can you like…swallow an antidote to tranquiliser?
So it works on other people but not you?
No! Don’t go near him!
You weren’t knocked out at first either!!
Good advice, little bro.
Blech. Jack’s last name is spelled “Shephard”.
What happened between Benry and Sayid?
They used to be mates.
I wonder if Aaron is a vital part of what’s happening on the Island.
As Jack’s Dad’s youngest descendent, maybe he’s got to inherit the Island or something.
Also I keep forgetting that kids aren’t typically born on the island, due to leylines or whatever.
There’s some kind of beam of light coming out of the ground.
The hatch?
Well, I say “yup”, it was only confirmed by my siblings, who have never seen this before either.
Miles has a nosebleed as well now.
Jesus, I hope that Desmond finds Faraday’s mum pretty soon.
Admittedly, only dislikable characters are dying so far, but soon it could be someone I like.
It would be so cool if you could go back and watch Aaron’s birth in the earlier ep and see Sawyer in the shadows, like they did on Futurama.
Wonder if he was only able to be born on the Island because he’s Jack’s Dad’s Daughter’s Son
What’s that red mark on Jack’s forehead?
He’s really bad at putting on lipstick.
Or someone else is REALLY bad at putting on lipstick.
Missed by a whole person.
Man, we’re jumping right back to the end of season 1 here.
I want to jump back to when the Black Rock was there.
Brother’s predicting that we’re in the future this time.
These boats don’t look familiar. Sister thinks they’re the Others’.
Is this safe, being in these boats?
What if they time shift?
Is it anything they’re touching, or…what’s the system here?
They’re getting shot, so the plan is to paddle faster.
My plan would have been to get out and duck under the water.
Be less of a target.
Their plan doesn’t seem to be working amazingly.
Oh crap! Time-shift!!
They’ve kept the boat, but they’ve also time-shifted into the middle of a storm.
Prediction for who the client is: Claire’s mother.
Haha, I rock!
How the crap would she know though?
She’d have had a massive payout for Claire.
Prediction: Claire’s mother is working in cahoots with either Whitmore or Sun.
Leaving Aaron with Sun was a baaad idea.
Sun is the other one with no obvious obvious ties to the Island.
Still no news of Jin though, which is a bit suspicious.
Maybe he is dead?
I’m still sticking with the “he’s definitely not dead” prediction, for the record.
Lack of news worries me, but it could just be clever writing.
This Australian accent sounds so awkward.
All the Aussie characters have been killed off, haven’t they?
Most of the Brits, too.
Desmond and co is the only one left.
Something sinister is happening here.
I suspect Oceanic Man, the tall bald black one.
The way they’ve set up the episode, it looks like Benry is the one who is trying to split Claire from her baby.
I’m sticking with my Whitmore/Sun suing Kate prediction.
Genuinely no idea how you’d go about writing a show like Lost.
When it’s finished, they’d better have the creators explaining the process somewhere.
Juliet has started to nose-bleed.
Faraday’s theory:”the longer you’re on the Island, the quicker it affects you” which seems to make no sense
OH!! French people crash!
An episode later than my brother guessed it, but I’m still giving him full credit for that awesome prediction.
Frenchies have found some dude on a raft.
It seems to be the orientation video guy, though we’re hoping for Jin.
Was Aaron counted in the Oceanic 6?
Jack, Hurley, Sayid, Kate, Sun, Aaron…I don’t think I’m forgetting anyone.
No, the raft contained Benry trying to take Aaron.
Sun’s standing there watching them.
If it wasn’t for Hurley being in prison, we’d have all 6.
Sun pulled out a gun, and my sister squealed in fright.
She thought Sun was going to shoot Aaron.
My brother insists that I include the fact that he correctly guessed it was Jin on the raft, despite my sister mocking him for the suggestion
Crazy Danielle probably ends up killing Jin.
My family is surprised that Jin is alive.
Perhaps I was the only one who thought it was obvious.
Haha, Jin doesn’t know about the time-travel.
Couldn’t work out why he was freaking out.
Episode end!
Most likeable: Crazy Danielle, just for being cute and pregnant.
Least likeable: Sun.
Most intriguing: Benry? Crap, no, still not allowed to do that.
…gah, no idea. Let’s just go with…Sayid.
Theory: Jin turns out to be the guy who makes the videos.
Wait, that doesn’t really make sense.
[[Episode 5]]
Kate looks very, very angry when Benry tells her that Aaron isn’t her son.
Be fair, Kate, that’s just a fact.
Benry’s telling Sun that Jin’s still alive.
Am I really the only one who thought this was painfully obvious?
French Dude 1 just turned on his radio and found the numbers.
Seriously the first reference to those numbers so far this season.
Curious to see what this “sickness” is that makes Crazy Danielle Crazy and Homicidal.
Jin seems really dumb this season.
Don’t know why.
Now I’ll have to comb through the first 4 seasons and see if Crazy Danielle ever actually meets Jin.
I think that’s the first time we’ve seen the smoke-monster this season.
He’s a rare beast, Smokey.
I think I gave the smoke monster a nickname, but I’ve no idea what it was.
Oswaldo or something like that?
French Dude 1 is rude.
I hope he gets eaten by the smoke-monster first.
Crazy Danielle probably assumes that Jin is one of the Others, when she remembers this time.
Discussing the nature of the Smoke Monster.
Mum’s original theory was that it’s a swarm of insects.
I think it’s just a magical smoke monster.
It sounds very industrial.
Whoa! It just ripped off a dude’s arm.
One-armed Frenchie is still alive inside the Smoke Monster’s “lair”.
Oooh, they’re going in.
I reckon that’s how they catch the sickness.
Jin, no! Don’t you go down!
Oh, good. He’s not.
Sounds like Jin is about to time-travel.
Hey, how come we’ve never seen this castle sort of building before?
There are hieroglyphs on the wall.
Eewww, many-years-old-arm.
So is…hang on, is Jin time-travelling at the same rate as everyone else?
I don’t remember everyone else being in 1988.
Pillar of smoke. That could be from any time.
Mother and sister just theorised:
the Island moved, and brought the people on the boat with it, but not the boat itself.
I’m not sure that they’re going to explain it that much.
I mean, the Hatch exploded, and everyone inexplicably survived that.
Young Danielle = great casting.
Danielle’s husband: “It’s not a monster, it’s a security system guarding the temple.”
Then he tried to kill her.
This central “religion” has been vaguely touched on many times.
It could (until now) have been dropped without anyone really noticing.
They just said that Jin’s been moving every time they do.
This is like when we saw Group B, and in 40+ days they only had one episode’s worth of plot.
Jin: “Why do you want to bring Sun BACK?”
Freaking good point, if you know as much of the story as he does.
Benry is really failing to convince everyone to come back to the Island.
Oh, god, this is going to be like last season, where we spent 20 episodes getting people in the arrangement that we knew they’d end up in.
It’s obvious that we’re going to have everyone back on the Island by the end of the season, setting up the dominos for the final season.
Charlotte, with demon-eyes, is yelling at Jin in Korean. “This place is death”.
Jeez, way to be a downer.
Benry has a nice touch of the unsung hero.
Like Batman in the Dark Knight, he has to be the villain in order to be the hero.
(I assume)
Charlotte’s in a horrible coma-thing.
Faraday: “We’re not going to leave you behind.”
Another time flash.
That should change his mind.
I seem to remember Charlotte being an utter bitch when we first met her, but I can’t recall why/what specifically she did.
Why does Charlotte know so much about the well and the Island?
If Faraday’s right, she’s been here longer than anyone.
Maybe she was born here
Mum thinks that Charlotte and Miles grew up on the Island.
Charlotte’s admitting that she was raised here, as part of the Dharma Initiative.
Charlotte’s remembering a man who told her that she had to leave and never come back.
Prediction: she’s talking about one of the current gang.
I love that Locke still has that scar over his eye.
If only he still ate oranges…
Not a fan of Jin this season. He’s getting Least this ep.
I mean, yay protecting your wife and all that, but quit messing with destiny, dude.
Locke is truly deserving of The Locke Award.
Prediction: halfway down the well, time shifts.
Yup! I am doing so well with predictions this season.
Locke just made a horrid crunch when he hit the bottom of the well.
The rope sticking out of the ground; extremely cool visual.
Charlotte’s not Faraday’s mother, is she?
That would just be…no, no, definitely not.
Just for a second there, I got confused.
I haven’t been a fan of these flashes of “kid”.
None of them has sounded remotely like anything that a child would actually say.
I wonder what Miles’ story is.
Even writhing around in pain at the bottom of a well, Locke looks cool.
Always the legs with you, John.
Someone’s approaching.
Prediction: …holy crap, it’s Jack’s father!!
I was going to guess Ricktrick.
Jack’s father totally has to be Jacob.
Oh is that Jacob?
No, he’s a representative of Jacob.
Jack’s Dad is telling him not to listen to Benry.
People keep saying that, but I keep trusting Benry.
Trusting him like you’d trust a snake with a family of mice, that is.
I do not know how that scenario would ever come up.
Jack’s Dad told Locke to find some woman.
I didn’t catch her name.
Elouisa something.
I assume it’s Faraday’s mother.
Okay, Locke is whimpering quite a lot here.
Not quite as manly.
Also he’s asking for help from what is obviously a noncorporeal being.
Oh, wow. Cool beans.
The wheel is turning sporadically, clearly causing the time jumps.
Jack’s Dad: “Say hello to my son!”
Locke: “Who’s your son?”
Assuming that his son is also going to be white and American, there’s not really that many options. Sawyer, Jack, Benry.
Benry: “John gave it to me.”
Jack: “You said you never went to see him!”
Benry: “True. He came and saw me.”
They’re about to meet someone in a church.
I assume this is Elouisa Whatshername.
Hey, Desmond’s here too, paying further credence to my “Elouisa is Faraday’s mother” theory.
Yup, it’s sounding pretty good.
I’ve already predicted that his mother is Jill, but I’ll reconfirm the prediction here.
Although admittedly her name was Jill. Not Elouisa.
Nope. This woman is not looking at all familiar.
Teleporting back to the Island now?
I expected this to be dragged out over several more discs
Episode end! Daaaamn!
Most intriguing: Jack’s Dad.
Least likeable: Jin.
Most likeable: Faraday this time, I think.
Let’s do some brain unwinding. Questions that still aren’t even close to being dealt with at the moment:
-Jack’s Dad’s body
-Giant statue foot
-What the Island actually wants with anyone
-Adam and Eve (although with time travel, this one could be explained any minute)
-The Numbers
-Why Dharma needed to do research specifically on Polar Bears
-Walt’s specialness
-How Ted actually met the kids’ mother
Mysteries that are sort of being dealt with at the moment:
-The time-wheel (duh)
-Jack’s Dad (more generally)
-The sickness that made Danielle kill her team
-the smoke-monster
-the cult of the Others
-Ricktrick Alpert
[[Episode 6]]
Also: the next episode is called “The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham.”
“Previously on” is Benry trying to convince people to go back to the Island.
They’re heading back almost a full season earlier than I expected
I’d say that they were meant to reunite and head back to the Island at the end of season 4, but Writer’s Strike put an end to that.
Recreation of the first episode.
Piece of paper either said “I wish” or “Twist”.
Looks like Jack is about to rescue Charlie.
Nope, Hurley.
Hurley has a guitar.
My family just had a discussion about the merits and faults of Jack.
Good thing he can’t hear them, he’d have his self-esteem destroyed.
Mum’s confused.
Family: “This is how it works on Lost, we see where they are, then we flash back to how they got there.”
Can’t they just have the flashbacks first?
“46 hours earlier” appeared onscreen.
Everyone but Mum: “See!!”
Faraday’s mum looked at the door, then sort of did a sultry glance back to the rest of the crew.
I like this room.
It’s similar to Faraday’s crazy experiments.
Woah, hang on. Just realised
– Whitmore worked FOR the Dharma Initiative, he clearly didn’t start it like I’ve been assuming.
Ah, technobabble.
Do we really need it?
I was happy enough without it.
Faraday’s mum: “Why do you think you were never rescued?”
One sentence to quickly cover the main question of season 1 and 2.
Faraday’s mum, another player in this game.
She doesn’t seem to have higher status than Benry, but neither does she seem lower.
Roughly equal.
316, 815 – how many of these flight numbers are in “The Numbers”?
The only story I really want to hear tied up is Libby’s, and I don’t think they will.
My sister and I leaped to the writers’ defense.
Prediction: Jack has to take the body of one of his parents to successfully crash the plane on the Island.
Ah, Locke’s body is a proxy for Jack’s father.
My plan would have had more matricide.
Things my brother has pointed out in the last minute:
-There is a big “drug statue” behind Faraday’s mother.
-She has extremely white teeth.
I suspect that my brother is commentating more than he normally would in an attempt to get me to quote him.
We’ve had to tell him to shut up 3 or 4 times now.
Sudden ham-handed Christian overtones.
I’ve heard rumours that Rabbits play a big part in this show.
Ray with two hands and no Australian accent.
This does not seem to be Lefty the Australian farmer.
Okay, definitely not Lefty the farmer.
Pity. I was really holding out for a return of Lefty the farmer.
Grandad seems oddly sinister.
Jack’s wandering around his darkened apartment, after hearing strange noises.
I’ve seen Paranormal Activity, I know how this ends.
Kate’s overdosed on Jack’s bed.
Nope. Just sleeping.
I don’t know why I expected a sudden overdose storyline.
Why does Kate still carry a torch for Jack?
She had Sawyer for 2 seasons.
I guess you always want what you haven’t had.
Jack: “I made you orange juice. You still take milk and two sugars, right?”
Kate: “Yup.”
In orange juice?? That’s gross, Kate!
Forgot that Jack and Kate lived together for a while, post-Island.
I had sort of been wondering if Jill and Faraday’s mother were the same person.
Definitely not.
My family are extraordinarily chatty tonight.
Missing chunks of dialogue as a result.
No idea what Jill apologised for, just saw her apologise.
My sister is sighing over Locke’s dead body.
That’s an odd thing to sigh over.
“I had no shoes, and I was sad. Then I saw a man who had no feet. So I stole his shoes. Not like he needed them.” – Jack Handy.
Would not be surprised if Locke replied to Jack’s mutterings.
Jack, don’t give the note back!
That is not narratively satisfying at all.
My sister thinks that we won’t ever hear what’s in the note.
Ha! The fool.
That is not how screenwriting works at all.
Geez, Sun has aged.
Sayid!! Sayid under arrest!
And Hurley, as well!
Not under arrest. That’s odd.
Hurley bought a whole planes-worth of seats.
So I know I’ve spoken about this before, but here’s a quick refresher:
One theory of narrative I read stated simply that: “Story is asking questions. The story’s over when most (/all) of the questions are answered.”
Questions raised in this episode alone:
-why Benry had blood all over him.
-what’s in Locke’s letter.
-why Hurley isn’t under super-arrest.
-who told Hurley about the plane
Not particularly going anywhere with this, just an interesting observation.
Once aware of the theory you can actively watch it taking place.
Really clever narrative, that’s when it raises questions, makes you forget about them, THEN answers them.
That’s good writing.
Once you’re even more aware of narrative, particularly the structure of sitcom episodes, then you can see something happen., and the question it raises for you is “How are they going to bring this back later in the episode?”
For example, I’m watching through How I Met Your Mother at the moment..
Recent episode opened with Marshall getting a phone call from “Ted’s arse” – his phone accidentally rings people
As soon as I saw that, I thought “How is that going to tie in later in the episode?”
How I Met Your Mother is particularly clever because the next few minutes were so interesting that I forgot to think about it.
It ended up tying in really, really well.
Perhaps the best “raising questions then making you forget about them” that I’ve ever seen is the opening of Fight Club, with the gun.
Frank J. Lapitas!!
That’s the helicopter pilot. Cleeevverrrr.
Hey, he’s shaved. Sexy.
Anyway, bits that I missed while talking about sitcom structure:
They brought Locke’s note back, much earlier than I expected.
“How can you read?”
“My mother taught me.”
They just did that same joke a few minutes ago:
“How are all these people on the same plane?”
“They bought tickets.”
I will henceforth refer to that style of joke as a “ticket joke”.
Answering a complicated question with a flippantly simple (accurate) answer.
Jack, let’s be honest.
The only reason you’re not reading the note is to increase the dramatic tension.
I am eating a mint icecream.
Now I have used this Twitter account for the real reason people use Twitter; to talk about what I’m eating.
I was initially underwhelmed by Locke’s suicide note, then my sister pointed out that it was the piece of paper we saw in his hand earlier.
Plane’s shaking.
I hope it doesn’t crash!
This is like the third time we’ve seen Jack wake up in this jungle now.
Kate: “Where’s Ben?”
That’s a question you should have been asking yourself once every few minutes since you first arrived on the Island.
So Jin is working with Dharma.
Episode end!
Didn’t choose most, least or intriguing, so asked my family to choose.
Most likeable:
No, wait, Hurley because he bought those extra seats so no other people had to die.
Least likeable:
Jack, as usual.
Oh, he was whining about something as usual.
And he didn’t open the letter!
Yeah, that’ll do.
Most intriguing:
Faraday’s mum.
[[Episode 7]]
Okay, several hours later, next episode:
Previously on has a bit of Ricktrick.
He’s probably going to get Most Intriguing this episode.
Also, based on the name, looks like this is going to be a Locke episode, which are always fun.
They’ve cut out flashbacks in this season.
About bloody time.
This Indian guy doesn’t look familiar.
As soon as I typed that, my brother (independently):
He looks familiar!
Maps of the Island. Danielle’s maps?
He was on the plane.
316, he was on that.
Apparently the dude’s name is Ceasar.
I think this new bird was the one who was holding Sayid.
Man, my brother and sister are so much more observant than I am.
Perhaps because they watch the show, instead of liveblogging.
“He was standing in the water, wearing a suit.”
It’s Barney Stinson! (it is probably not Barney Stinson.)
So there are a whole heap of people near a plane.
Did these guys crash, or are they an unrelated bunch?
It’s Locke!
Oh, that’s why he was in a suit.
Gosh, this Island can cure some stuff.
Mum’s favourite episode was the one where they bury the paralysed pair, Expose.
That is indeed a great episode.
By the way, any confused Americans reading this – “Mum” is how Australians spell “Mom”.
No, I don’t know why either.
“Mom” makes more sense, in many ways.
Hey, cool!
We get to see Locke from after he turned the magic wheel.
He, like Benry, is waking up in the Saraha.
Unlike Benry, he is vomitting and has a leg-bone sticking out.
I guess Locke really has nothing to fear.
At worst what, they kill him?
He already knows that he has to die to bring everyone back.
I always feel racist for thinking it, but Arabian headgear really, really looks like it’s made out of tea-towels.
OH!!! Cool!
Oceanic Man is here, watching him!
Oceanic Man is one of those guys who will either tie in awesomely or be dodgy.
He’s yet another “power” in this show.
We have a lot of them.
Off the top of my head:
Charles Whitmore
Faraday’s mother
Oceanic Man
Jack’s Dad…
Charles Whitmore has come to meet Locke, to try to sway him from team Benry.
Fuck “Team Jacob” or “Team Edward” – it’s all about Team Whitmore and Team Benry for me.
(I’m on Team Benry.)
“How did you know I’d be there?”
“That’s the exit.”
You’d expect it to be off the New Jersey Turnpike.
There’s a war coming?
Between who?
Also: did Whitmore just claim he was part of the Others?
I thought he was part of Dharma for some reason.
Did I imagine that?
I love how Benry and Whitmore can be fighting each other, but still both be on the side of the Island.
“I haven’t tried to kill you. Would you say the same of him?”
Well, you did send those assassins…
Oh, good. Locke’s called him on that.
So, Oceanic Man (black bald guy) is working for Whitmore.
That nicely consolidates some of the power in this show.
I feel like stopping to see those goats pass should have been significant in some way.
Perhaps they’re a “landmark” – so when we see that scene later from a different angle, we’ll remember it.
Sayid: “I’m not going back!”
I bet you do.
Even among the others who crashed on the Island, Sayid’s had an interesting life.
Since leaving, he’s been married, widowed, been an assassin, become disillusioned, and become a builder for charity.
Not to mention: pre-Island, he was a torturer in the Iraqi army.
Walt’s having future-predicty-dreams.
Hurley’s assuming Locke is dead.
Fair assumption.
I suppose the Island moving explains how Eko’s brother’s plane ended up there.
“How” in a technical way, not in a “why” way.
Eko + brother is so far the clumsiest Island connection.
You could argue that Eko was there because his brother’s plane was, but that doesn’t explain WHY his brother’s plane was.
I’m not big on the “it’s just a wacky coincidence” angle.
Nothing in this show has so far been “random” and an odd one out would be annoying
People with no link at all, I’m okay with.
People with a link to someone else on the plane (Libby, same hospital as Hurley) I’m okay with.
The Eko/Eko’s Brother thing?
I want an explanation, else I’m not okay with it.
Mr Oceanic is doing some nice exposition.
Explaining it to Locke as an “As you already know”, but not in a clumsy way.
So thinking about it, Jack’s Dad could genuinely be alive.
If Locke is anything to go on, the Island can indeed cure death.
Odds are pretty good we’ll follow Locke right up until his death this episode.
Basing that on the episode title.
Prediction: This fight here shows us why Benry has blood all over him in that…wait, no, that timeline doesn’t make any sense.
Man I love car crashes.
Jack: “What are you doing here?”
I seriously expected another ticket joke.
“I was in an accident”, something like that.
Oh, fuck you Jack. Fuck you.
“These delusions of yours…” – after everything you’ve seen, after EVERYTHING you’ve seen…
Jack has already won Least likeable for this episode.
What a cock.
Hey, cool!
Locke narrowed down that it was Jack’s father the way that I told him to.
Jack’s beard is much, much shorter here than it should be.
These are obviously episode to episode, not “all the early bits from a season, then the later bits.”
I’m not saying that’s a huge problem, just that when it’s obvious, it’s obvious.
I’m surprised they’re allowed to show Locke’s suicide.
Typically any kind of suicide being shown is banned on TV (with extremely rare exceptions)
I guess the law is anything “promoting” suicide.
He’s going to hang himself!
She said that literally as he was putting the noose around his neck.
She’s quick, my mum is.
Knock at the door.
Oh, it’s Benry! I assumed it would be Jack.
Just realised: another “question” that we’re nowhere near having answered:
How did Miles know about Benry/Benry’s wealth?
Also: when was Miles on the Island before? (re: Faraday’s theory)
Benry: “He used you!”
Oh, that’s rich coming from you, Benry.
(I still love you Benry.)
Okay, perhaps this was explained last season, but…how did Locke’s words convince Jack?
He didn’t seem at all convinced.
I repeat, this could have been explained last season, with me just having forgotten.
You don’t know who’s manipulating who, do you?
I would not be hugely surprised to discover that Whitmore and Benry were on the same side
Locke doesn’t manipulate.
If he wants you to do something, he ties you up and takes you into the forest and feeds you drugs, or puts a hand grenade in your mouth.
Locke decides not to kill himself, so Benry strangles him.
Suicide is not allowed on TV, but murder is.
One of my family’s cats just “sprayed” the heater.
I’d like to pretend this is the first person we’ve seen Benry murder, but I’m pretty sure there’s been at least 2 or 3 more.
Benry: “I’m going to miss you, John, I really am.”
Oh, cool.
All the people who “came back” and were alive (ie all the cast members who aren’t Locke) got teleported back.
So just to clarify, Charles Whitmore wasn’t working for Dharma, he was an Other.
He could well have started Dharma.
Also, it seems that the Others used to recruit, not just use whoever crashed there.
Interesting stuff.
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[[Running Tally: All seasons]]
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수많은 사람들이 수도에서 왔고 수많은 사람들이 수도로 갔다.
그는 기념관을 가져다가 펴서 자세히 읽어 보았습니다.
15명의 Gongsheng 학생이 아침 일찍 새 옷을 입었습니다.
이것은 왕자님 같지 않고, 길거리의 거지라고 해도 과언이 아니다.
두 아들은 무서워 죽을 지경이었습니다. 아버지, 그들을 죽음에 보내지 마십시오.
한 무리의 장인들이 간수들과 환관들의 감독 아래 그것을 수리하고 있습니다.
“뭐라고?” 장헬링은 이미 문을 닫았고, 그의 마음은 곧바로 정지된 애니메이션 상태에 들어갔다.
Hongzhi 황제는 고개를 끄덕이며 말했습니다. “좋아요, 뒤로 물러서세요. 할 일이 있습니다.”
Hongzhi 황제는 마음에 괴로움을 느끼지 않을 수 없었고 “이 문제는 …”이라고 말하지 않을 수 없었습니다.
장빈은 씩 웃었고 그의 사나운 얼굴에 갑자기 장난스러운 미소가 떠올랐다.
이런 개자식을 디자인할 수 있다는 것은 제작자가 정말 대단합니다.
높은 이상을 가진 많은 사람들이 이 수학 목록에 매우 관심이 있습니다.
Fang Jifan은 잠시 동안이 사람의 눈물이 진짜인지 아닌지 알 수 없었습니다.
Hongzhi 황제의 정신이 흔들렸고 만주 왕조의 문인과 군인도 환호했습니다.
타락, 성실한 작가로서 너무 늦게 일어났으니 많은 응원 부탁드립니다.
조상들이 캐릭터를 만들 때 항상 나쁜 취향을 가지고 있었습니다.
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시험장에 들어가면 대스승, 즉 시험장을 만나러 갑니다.
홍지황제는 또다시 당황해 멍한 표정으로 고개를 들었다.
Hongzhi 황제는 높은 곳으로 걸어가 주위를 둘러보고 얼굴에 미소를 지으며 “모든 신하가 여기 있습니다. “라고 말했습니다.Hongzhi 황제는 단호하게 말했습니다. “내가 피곤하면 당신도 물러나라고 말하지 않았습니까!”
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Understanding COSC Accreditation and Its Importance in Horology
COSC Validation and its Strict Criteria
COSC, or the Controle Officiel Suisse des Chronometres, is the official Switzerland testing agency that verifies the precision and accuracy of timepieces. COSC validation is a sign of superior craftsmanship and reliability in timekeeping. Not all timepiece brands seek COSC certification, such as Hublot, which instead follows to its proprietary demanding standards with mechanisms like the UNICO calibre, reaching equivalent precision.
The Art of Precision Chronometry
The central system of a mechanized watch involves the spring, which supplies energy as it unwinds. This mechanism, however, can be prone to environmental elements that may impact its accuracy. COSC-validated movements undergo strict testing—over 15 days in various circumstances (five positions, 3 temperatures)—to ensure their resilience and reliability. The tests measure:
Typical daily rate accuracy between -4 and +6 secs.
Mean variation, maximum variation rates, and impacts of thermal variations.
Why COSC Validation Is Important
For watch enthusiasts and connoisseurs, a COSC-certified timepiece isn’t just a piece of tech but a demonstration to lasting quality and accuracy. It symbolizes a timepiece that:
Offers excellent dependability and accuracy.
Offers confidence of superiority across the complete construction of the watch.
Is likely to hold its value more effectively, making it a smart investment.
Well-known Chronometer Brands
Several well-known brands prioritize COSC certification for their watches, including Rolex, Omega, Breitling, and Longines, among others. Longines, for instance, offers collections like the Archive and Soul, which feature COSC-validated mechanisms equipped with innovative materials like silicon balance suspensions to improve resilience and performance.
Historic Background and the Evolution of Chronometers
The idea of the chronometer dates back to the requirement for exact chronometry for navigation at sea, emphasized by John Harrison’s work in the eighteenth century. Since the official establishment of COSC in 1973, the certification has become a standard for evaluating the accuracy of luxury watches, sustaining a tradition of superiority in watchmaking.
Owning a COSC-accredited timepiece is more than an aesthetic choice; it’s a commitment to quality and accuracy. For those appreciating accuracy above all, the COSC validation offers peace of mind, ensuring that each certified watch will operate dependably under various conditions. Whether for personal satisfaction or as an investment, COSC-validated timepieces distinguish themselves in the world of watchmaking, maintaining on a tradition of meticulous timekeeping.
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우스꽝스럽고 그가 평생 들어본 농담 중 가장 재미있는 농담이었습니다.
그들은 모두 의아한 표정으로 Zhu Houzhao를 바라보았다.
로드스탁과의 레버리지 스탁: 투자 전략의 신규 영역
로드스탁에서 제공하는 레버리지 스탁은 주식 투자의 한 방법으로, 높은 수익률을 목적으로 하는 투자자들에게 유혹적인 선택입니다. 레버리지를 이용하는 이 방법은 투자자가 자신의 자금을 넘어서는 금액을 투입할 수 있도록 하여, 증권 장에서 더 큰 영향력을 가질 수 있는 기회를 줍니다.
레버리지 방식의 스탁의 기본 원칙
레버리지 방식의 스탁은 원칙적으로 자금을 차입하여 사용하는 방식입니다. 사례를 들어, 100만 원의 자본으로 1,000만 원 상당의 주식을 취득할 수 있는데, 이는 투자하는 사람이 기본 투자 금액보다 훨씬 훨씬 더 많은 증권을 취득하여, 주식 가격이 증가할 경우 상응하는 훨씬 더 큰 이익을 획득할 수 있게 합니다. 그렇지만, 증권 가격이 하락할 경우에는 그 손해 또한 증가할 수 있으므로, 레버리지 사용을 사용할 때는 신중해야 합니다.
투자 계획과 레버리지
레버리지는 특히 성장 잠재력이 높은 사업체에 투자할 때 도움이 됩니다. 이러한 기업에 큰 비율을 통해 투자하면, 성공할 경우 막대한 수입을 가져올 수 있지만, 반대의 경우 상당한 위험성도 감수하게 됩니다. 그러므로, 투자하는 사람은 자신의 위험성 관리 능력과 상장 분석을 통해, 어떤 회사에 얼마만큼의 투자금을 투자할지 결정하게 됩니다 합니다.
레버리지 사용의 장점과 위험 요소
레버리지 스탁은 높은 이익을 보장하지만, 그만큼 높은 위험도 동반합니다. 증권 거래의 변화는 예상이 힘들기 때문에, 레버리지 사용을 사용할 때는 늘 장터 동향을 정밀하게 살펴보고, 피해를 최소화할 수 있는 계획을 세워야 합니다.
최종적으로: 조심스러운 선택이 필요
로드스탁에서 공급하는 레버리지 스탁은 효과적인 투자 도구이며, 적당히 활용하면 상당한 수익을 벌어들일 수 있습니다. 그렇지만 큰 리스크도 신경 써야 하며, 투자 결정이 필요한 데이터와 조심스러운 고려 후에 진행되어야 합니다. 투자자 본인의 재정 상황, 위험을 감수하는 능력, 그리고 시장 상황을 반영한 균형 잡힌 투자 방법이 중요하며.