Her (2013)
Elizabeth, despite being a huge fan of sci-fi, romance, and disembodied voices, had never seen the film Her. Peter and Gavin sat her down to remedy this, and in the process learned a little bit about...
ReadmoreHigh School Musical (2006)
Upon realising that neither of her brothers had ever seen the sad tale of talented, driven people not getting recognised, Elizabeth decided to sit them all down together, thousands of kilometres apar...
ReadmoreX-Men (2000)
At the start of the Christmas holidays, Xander and Elizabeth decided to marathon the X-Men films for the first time. For the next fourteen hours they experienced mutants, drama, and Hugh Jackman tople...
ReadmoreMan of Steel (2013)
Halloween 2014 saw Peter dressed as a man being forced to watch Man of Steel - a movie he painfully disliked. Little did those around him know, this was no mere costume or mask. With no escape or othe...
ReadmoreThe Never-Ending Story (1984)
While sick, Peter likes to watch through kid’s films, and so during a particularly horrendous bout of illness, turned to a movie that he’d somehow never seen (despite it seemingly being a part of ev...
ReadmoreCasper (1995)
The film Casper was huge when Peter was a kid, but he hasn’t seen it since then. How much does he remember? What’s changed? Why would a movie change? Do movies grow and change over the years? Or is th...